The 7th house is opposite the 1st. Since Rahu does not own any house, the significations of houses owned by Jupiter could be included as RAHU will act as JUPITERhence the Virgo ascendant borns will gain by speaking truth and by respecting others in conversations, in teaching profession, in the fields of cash transactions, banks and jewellery shops. Your email address will not be published. What Is The Significance Of The 7th House? If someone's Venus is in your 12th House, they can see your blind spots, and they love you for them. Thanks for visiting and liking our content. After some time, these individuals lose interest in love and relationships and become depressed and distressed. On Friday, one should give white food or ornaments to needy young girls. SINCE the 9th house falls in the star of Krittika, ruled by Sun, the Virgo ascendant borns will involve themselves in the fields of religion, departments of higher education, foreign embassy, government research centre, finance departments and foreign organisations. The planet Venus has been known since ancient times and has been associated with love, beauty, and sex. SINCE the 3rd house falls in the star of Jyeshta, ruled by Mercury, the Virgo ascendant borns will have the capabilities to write stories, poems and essays, will become registration or recording clerks, postmen, messengers, electricians, ambassadors, advertisers, tax collectors, proof-readers, brokers and will have fluctuating minds. According to classical source Saravali, individuals with this combination are tensed for even the slightest matters. ; Reverse results if afflicted. This makes them excellent mediators and negotiators. Do you have Venus in the 7th house in your natal chart? In this life phase, the 7th house reminds us to focus on our relationships. Sun in sixth house/ Sun in 6th house for Virgo ascendant. The family business will see growth. The Kundali of a person's birth chart is . . So the Virgo ascendant borns will naturally have courage, confidence and intelligence. . So the first child of Virgo ascendant borns will suffer due to ill health and the Virgo ascendant borns would never succeed in their love affairs and excel in art fields but do jobs of easy nature. When the ascendant is Pisces and Venus is placed in the . Their subconscious is very active. Saturn also happens to be the lord of houses 5. Benefic exalted Venus in the seventh house of horoscope can bless the native with success through a wide variety of professional spheres. They are very charming and can be great communicators. Venus in the seventh house indicates a person who, though probably not very aggressive in meeting his or her desires, is nonetheless involved with another who is. Many different methods for solving problems exist, but there is a perfect solution that only comes with time. Scorpio is a fixed sign. A Full Moon in Virgo on the 7th encourages you to speak your mind, and assert your vantage point. You may develop sexual urges at an early age. So the Virgo ascendant borns will have short legs; they will serve in jobs with lesser workloads. The seventh house is the house of legal affairs. Venus also happens to be the lord of houses 2nd & 9th to Virgo. The passion of Venus will keep things interesting over the years, and the couple will never get bored with each other. These people may tend to damage their relationships and hurt their partners ceaselessly. This means that things happen with ease when Venus is in the seventh house. The 7th house is associated with partnerships, marriage, and contracts. Pouring white flowers in a river also helps eliminate the malefic effects of Venus. SINCEthe 4th house falls in the star of Poorvashada, ruled by Venus, the Virgo ascendant borns will own forts and palaces, flower gardens, vegetable farms and art schools and will become manufacturers of cosmetics, films, plastics and glassware. Independence may take time for these individuals to achieve, but it is important for their overall happiness and well-being. If benefic Moon is placed in the second house in Libra with Jupiter, the equation may improve. The native may witness a very good marriage and she may enjoy several benefits by virtue of such marriage. It is traditionally called the House of Self-Undoing. They gain ego and confidence by serving the underprivileged and poor people. Venus in 9th House for Leo Ascendant in Vedic Astrology, Jupiter in 4th House for Libra Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 9th House for Scorpio Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 1st House for Pisces Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 4th House for Cancer Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 2nd House for Sagittarius Ascendant in Astrology. Thanks a lot for being with us for more than a Decade. Capricorn is ruled by SATURNhence SATURN will be the lord of this house. The native is promoted between the ages of 24 to 36 years. You will be fair and slender, with beautiful eyes and full lips, and may easily garner or attract attention from the opposite sex. They want someone to love them for who they are, not just what they look like. In this case, the native may get married to a woman who may be rich and she may also be famous like she may be a celebrity. Spouse will bring wealth and relation between couple would be a spiritual one. Libra ascendant . It would be difficult and inadvisable to keep this partner under any undue control. Your fortune will rise, and you might attain or acquire wealth and financial support from your in-laws and family or partnership business. In this case, the native may face serious disturbances in his first marriage and the marriage may break due to such disturbance. Exalted Venus is benefic in the seventh house in most cases though it may turn malefic in some cases. These days, Venus is seen as a planet of love, beauty, and relationships. This position indicates that the person is mentally stimulated by their partner, but this stimulation is difficult to put into action. Sun. This placement is ideal for a long-term relationship because the couple will be very accommodating to each other and always put the relationship first. Success through the marketing and advertising field is assured. Natives with Venus in their 7th House get a spouse who is the familys backbone. The position of Venus and Rahu in this house makes a person indulge in extramarital affairs. Yes, Venus is exalted in the 7th house. These houses deal with love . SINCEthe 6thhouse falls in the star of Shathabisham, ruled by Rahu, the Virgo ascendant borns will suffer due to respiratory disorders, will be gluttons, work in drug centres or as anaesthetists, manufacture respiratory aids, involve in the fields of liquors, narcotics and spices. Pisces is a common and watery sign; so the Virgo ascendant borns will have double-minded persons as life or business partners; their friendships may noflast long. Vedic astrologers can tell you how to best handle your finances and what areas of your life need more attention when it comes to money. Venus governs 7th and 12th houses and remains in 6th house in the Aries symbol if the ascendant is Scorpio. Venus is a maraka for Aries owning both the 2nd and 7th house so afflictions to Venus can cause longevity and illness. Jupiter is the lord of 4th & 7th houses to Virgo. So the Virgo ascendant borns.will serve in the fields of lands, house, vehicles & properties, food processing, livestock, schools, household articles and furniture and will be energetic. Venus in the 7th house aspects the 1st house or ascendant, which generally indicates a gorgeous and attractive body. Body functions, neurological system, writing skills, communications and public relations would remain stable and last long for Virgo ascendant borns. Since it is a house of Saturn, the lord of houses 5th & 6th to Virgo, the Virgo ascendant borns will suffer due to virus-disorders or due to leprosy; they may have to face disciplinary proceedings in their service. Venus in the 7th house people are sociable and charming. Taurus is a house of Venus: so the Virgo ascendant borns will involve themselves in the fields of transport, higher education and research of arts and culture; will arrange stages for festivals and will have illegal affairs with foreigners or teachers. You can get along well, you can enjoy each other's company, and you can show affection more easily. This is a time to come out of our shells and let others in. You also need to find a balance between giving and taking, or you will quickly become resentful. Required fields are marked *. Your authority and respect will decline, and you may become foul-mouthed and disrespectful toward others. You will be sensual and romantic and may even live abroad. Taurus is a fixed sign; so the higher education, travels, life at foreign country, research ventures, polygamy, levels of confidence of the Virgo ascendant borns will remain steady and stable. SCORPIO is ruled by MARS..hence MARS will be the lord of this house. Retrograde Venus in the seventh house of horoscope in Virgo is malefic in many cases, though it may turn benefic in some cases. It is also a common sign; so the Virgo borns will not permanently keep their lands, vehicles, properties and machineries in possession. Moon is the lord of the llth house to Virgo: the Virgo ascendant borns will be greedy, joyful, happy and selfish in nature, carry more desires, will be counsellors to societies, have fortunes and success, make achievements and will be co-operative with others. Life is a classroom for these people, especially for men. For this reason it is probably not a good idea to share a home with a 7th house Venus. The Venus in 7th House woman is open-minded and not set in her ways. As per Vedic Astrology, in this article we would like to bring some insightful yet detailed effects of Venus in 7th House (jaya bhava) from Lagna (ascendant) or Navamsa chart of males and females horoscopes.The seventh house (Bhava) in horoscope very important for spouse, partners, arrange marriage, married life, spouse appearance, partnership, business venture, love marriage, relationship . I know everyone thinks Virgo is the "neat-freaks" of the zodiac. Mercury is the lord of houses 1st & 10th to Virgo. You will have a good convincing ability to influence and manipulate others with your point of view or opinion and win a case or dealings in your favor. Jupiter rules the Pisces sign and the 3 nakshatras included are Purva Bhadra Pada, Uttarbhadra Pada, and Revati. You may get blessed with money, fame, and a luxurious life. He likes going to social events, parties, and theaters where he might meet a girl. You may taste success, or your wishes and dreams may come true after turning 27. So the Virgo ascendant borns will study post-graduate courses, hold comfortable and honorary posts, gain success in research attempts with burning desires, make achievements in research fields, will be fond of taking fatty food, gain name and fame, will be active in associations and have fortunate opportunities in life. will select spouse of their choice to marry, have social affinity and frequently meet with people of their choice. So the Virgo ascendant borns will record their self and independent thoughts, show courageous attitude and power, tend to act according to will and pleasure and have strong physique with normal functioning of neurological and blood systems in the body along with ear, nose and throat. The native is much worried about extending his business and loses his health. This report will offer detailed insights into your chart and provide you with a valuable resource for ongoing self-reflection and growth. SINCE the 2nd house falls in the star of Chitra, ruled by Mars, the Virgo ascendant borns will be spendthrifts, will not hesitate to tell lies for materialistic gains or to seize properties of others, dishonest in financial matters, gain from metals and coral ornaments and use filthy words to hurt others feelings. So the Virgo ascendant borns.will be weak in physical energy, complete certificate courses, will be vendors of fruits, vegetables, livestock, accessories and stationeries to educational institutions and involve themselves as brokers in the fields of lands, vehicles, properties and machineries. There is also a need to impress, to be admired by others and look down upon them at the same time. Vedic astrologers can look at your chart and tell you what kind of person would be a compatible match for you. Sagittarius is ruled by JUPITER..hence JUPITER will be the lord of this house. The Venus in 7th House woman is strong, composed and full of character. A person who has the Sun in the seventh house want to be fair, and in return, life is often fair to them, too. So the Virgo ascendant bornswill find themselves amidst press publicity about their artistic performances, publish books on arts and culture, enter into agreements for artistic performances, excel in art fields wherein imagination of mind play a vital role and make changes in their transfer orders. Moon Conjunct Venus Synastry - Did You Just Find Your Soulmate? Venus in the 7th House Positive Outcome. The influence of Venus in your 7th house means you are likely to idealize and romanticize the relationship that you are currently in. It reminds us to stop and smell the roses and to enjoy the simple things in life. SINCEthe 9th house falls in the star of Mrigasira, ruled by Mars, the Virgo ascendant borns will learn and study agriculture, geology, mechanical engineering, history, archaeology, and politics and will become head masters, transport owners, landlords and judges on criminal litigations. Since Scorpio is a house of Mars, the Virgo ascendant borns tend to be over-confident and courageous; they would not hesitate to spread rumours and involve in forgery; include unwanted conditions in their agreements and would enter into illegal agreements. They love to take risks and always want to live life at 100 miles per hour. This man knows how to relax and is able to like what he likes. If benefic Rahu is placed in the twelfth house in Leo with Jupiter, benefic Ketu is placed in the sixth house in Aquarius and benefic Moon is placed in the first house in Virgo, the equation may improve. So the Virgo ascendant borns.. will gain with skills of eloquence and in investigative journalism , writings and courageous acts, information and communication, clever arguments and transfers, change and transform themselves for monetary and materialistic benefits, have confidence from their financial backgrounds, always carry inclinations for money and will work hard for financial benefits. Aries, the ascendantendant of Kaalpurusha is the 8th house to Virgo. Aquarius, the 11th house of Kaalpurusha is the 6th house to Virgo. Venus in the 7th House in Pisces Ascendant may give you several ups and downs in life. You may also have a fear of being rejected or abandoned, or a fear of not choosing the right person to be with. So the Virgo ascendant borns will have a fear about others with cowardliness and mental confusions. Cancer is a house of Moon; so the Virgo ascendant borns will have many friends with confusing nature; will become satisfied cheaply, will be selfish and fond of drinks. All Rights Reserved. They tend to suffer from loss of memory and suicidal tendencies. Looking at the sphere of marriage, such malefic exalted Venus can delay the marriage of the native, it can cause disturbances after marriage and/or it can break one or more marriages of the native, depending on his overall horoscope. So the Virgo ascendant borns will frequently be threatened or charged with allegations or betrayed or confused or put into disrespect. SINCEthe 5lh house falls in the star of Uttarashada, ruled by Sun, the Virgo ascendant borns will be interested in politics and would frequently participate in government functions and will be expert in playing chess. 12th lord posited in 7th house indicates strained relation with wife. You motivate other people to maintain love and peace in family and society. Saturn is also the lord of houses 5 & 6 to Virgo. This is the planet of relationships, so it rules marriage and commitment. So the Virgo ascendant borns tend to spy their spouses or business partners; relationships between the partners would carry fluctuations; their business partner would maintain secrecy towards Virgo ascendant borns. If you have this placement, you may worry that being in a committed relationship will mean losing your independence. This position also indicates happiness, social and financial gains from marriage, and success in public relations and partnerships. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. They. Mars happens to be the lord of houses 3rd & 8th to Virgo. The native is passionate and enjoys sexual pleasures of a high standard. Jupiter is also the lord of houses 4th & 7th to Virgo. When exalted Venus is placed in the seventh house in a horoscope, Virgo rises in the ascendant. This is one of the most important Venus aspects in synastry. 1)Before knowing the effect of Sun and Mars conjunction in 7th house we have to know about Sun in 7th house, Mars in 7th house and Sun and Mars conjunction. We all know that the 7th house is the most important house for marriage and relationships. This is the planet of love, after all. Although, your married life will be harmonious. They make a nice impression on others, since they have the gift of knowing how to behave properly and with good taste in most all company, even at formal parties or official functions. He will gets benefits from his wife. They are also very romantic and affectionate. Mars is also the lord of houses 3rd & 8th to Virgo. Aries is a movable sign; so the Virgo ascendant borns will have long life; their sorrows, pains, stress, problems, disrespect and meeting with accidents would last reasonably for a longer period. This includes the large intestines and kidneys. will be threatened in illegal affairs, get cheated in their ancestral properties, commit mistakes in research, find difficulties in higher education, will be disturbed by foreign agencies, fail in accords and agreements and will be troubled in foreign journeys. The 7th house in astrology is all about committed partnerships, so a fixed sign like Taurus feels very at home there; Taurus is all about long-lasting, loyal, committed relationships. They are natural flirts, and they mean it! So Jupiter is in the dual and watery sign of Pisces. The partner is loyal and committed to you, so the relationship is likely to last long term. They will go out of their way to help you if they can and they expect nothing in return. Wear clean clothes daily and keep the white handkerchief clean in your pocket. He'd get married and the wife would be well behaved and good-looking. Angular House Type: An Angular house type is ruled by a cardinal sign. CANCER// CANCER RISING. SINCE the 12lh house falls in the star of Makha, ruled by Ketu, the Virgo ascendant borns will have secret interests in illegal activities, will carry out secret plans and secretly show their vengeance. So the Virgo ascendant borns will be able to collect outstanding money, suffer due to eye-diseases and digestion problems, invest in gold and valuables and will have secret sources of income. There is more to this universe than what we can see & touch. The self-centered behavior of the natives can make their connection unstable and unreliable. Your . Jupiter is also the lord of houses 4th & 7th to Virgo. The occurrence of malefic afflicted Venus in the 7th House of birth chart sometimes brings unfavorable circumstances in individuals relationships. They're someone who has an excellent fashion sense and will have business in the fields of marketing, wealth management, or fashion. The native wife helps him in his daily routine business. ARIES is ruled by MARShence MARS will be the lord of this house. Venus in the 7th House blesses you with a lovely personality and may make you wealthy after 24 years. In the same manner, the remaining significations of Virgo could also be studied. The native with Venus in 7th House for Aquarius Ascendant a person experiences some trouble in mutual love with his wife and feels dissatisfied to enjoy pleasures. Since Libra is an airy and movable sign, the Virgo ascendant borns tends to attract others in their speech. Often people do not express the sign on the 7th house very easily but instead live out the themes of this house through their relationships. They could be a source of inspiration for others and feel that they are meant for great things or human accomplishments. Your personal planets include Venus, Mars, Mercury, the Moon, and your Sun. The second and seventh house in the natal chart are both governed by Venus. SINCE the 11th house falls in the star of Aslesha, ruled by Mercury, the Virgo ascendant borns will have witty friends; like micro instruments and will read books of their choice. SINCEthe 6th house falls in the star of Poorvabadra, ruled by Jupiter, the Virgo ascendant borns will work in big organizations, banks. The 7th house makes verbal communication fairly smooth, so these two will be able to have conversations about disagreements without getting burnt out or offended. Aries /Mesha the first ZODIAC sign is in the eighth house to VIRGO/KANYA. Pisces sign is of research, psychic depth, spirituality, empathy, and self-sacrifice. Leo is a sign of Sun. You may also become a successful writer or teacher. A man with this placement is usually tall, well-proportioned, a good conversationalist and has a pleasing personality with a sympathetic manner. The lower part of the belly (the region below the navel, according to Parashara) is next in line. This situation may also lead to separation from each other. You will be a favorite with the opposite sex; They will treat you as unique and special since you will make them go crazy for you. Libra is an airy sign; so the Virgo ascendant borns could make their earnings in a speedy way. They move things along by helping to lower your expectations while raising your standards. With our research, our team Astrologer has also written many books like Vivaha, Samay, Phalit Sutram, and many more. Your spouse will be very devoted, supportive, and caring. LIBRA is ruled by VENUShence VENUS will be the lord of this house. She loves having a huge group of friendsshe might even invite them all over to her house at once for a party! Though they seem to be lazy sometimes, this is rarely true once they have taken interest in some matter then they are serious and dedicated. This can be helpful in deciding whether or not to pursue a certain relationship. To illustrate this effect from a more difficult perspective, analyzing Pisces Ascendant is helpful. His social behavior has royal and administrative touch. The idea of love and romance will excite you, and you will have crushes and be fascinated with many people. Since it is a house of Jupiter which is the lord of houses 4, Venus also happens to be the lord of houses 2. On a spiritual level the 7th house is bringing awareness to the areas of life you find yourself in opposition to. Taurus is ruled by VENUShence VENUS will be the lord of this house. So the Virgo ascendant bornswill involve in share-market, will have the ability to write in the fields of sports, religion, arts, culture and politics and will develop and broaden their wisdom and knowledge. If malefic planets grip, conjunct, or aspects Venus, then there are chances that your spouse may die or become unhealthy early. Diseased and unhappy. He may has very good charm. Leo is a fiery sign; so the Virgo ascendant borns will have secret interests, will not hesitate to involve in sabotages and will become mascendantohists. SINCE the 12th house falls in the star of Uttarapalguni, ruled by Sun, the Virgo ascendant borns will incur losses in their secret activities; will become incapable of recovering their capital, benami properties and outstanding money; maintain secret interests and will continue with their research activities. Such a native gets gains from overseas connections. So the Virgo ascendant borns will excel in education in the fields of transport, travels, finance, religion, research, teaching and law. So the Virgo ascendant bornswill gain through experience and education, fruits, vegetables, grain fields, farms, educational centres, library and by taking lease of water reservoirs and ponds. Saturn is the lord of 5th house and 6th house . Copyright 2020. Saturn in the 8th house doesn't break the marriage since it is a slow-moving planet, and as such, it prolongs and gives a long-lasting vibe. Venus in the 7th House of Taurus Ascendant brings happiness from marriage and many sexual pleasures from the opposite gender before marriage. The 9th house of Kaalpurusha is the 4th house to Virgo. They are very care free in relationship. It may happen when such retrograde Venus is influenced by one or more benefic planets, and/or an overall benefic horoscope. These people are the ultimate friend. The biggest warning for this couple is to watch out for complacency. But troubled married life. Venus in the Seventh House indicates that a man or woman will attract to relationships with others, including business partners. His research is focused on making connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology. So the Virgo ascendant borns will be troubled in secret plans, get dejected or cheated, become incapable of recovering back their capitals, fall unconscious in hospital, face break-even in financial status and will be troubled by separated partners. Aquarius, the 11th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 6th house to Virgo. How you relate to your own identity and the identity of others is in the themes of this house.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'astrologyowl_com-box-4','ezslot_5',121,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-astrologyowl_com-box-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'astrologyowl_com-box-4','ezslot_6',121,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-astrologyowl_com-box-4-0_1'); .box-4-multi-121{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Mars represents energy, assertiveness, mid the ability to take action. Answer (1 of 7): For virgo ascendant . Gain through mother and Govt. Get accurate Life Predictions through a Detailed Life Interpretation Astrology Report : Click Here. There will be a lot of harmony and flow between them, making it easy for them to get along. The 7th Bhava is the House of agreement and partnership. SINCEthe 5th house falls in the star of Dhanishta, ruled by Mars, the Virgo ascendant borns will be rough during copulations, have children with undue interest in sexual pleasures, will be atheists, sculptors, play boxing and will not hesitate to perform vulgar dances. So the Virgo ascendant borns will win confidence of others and would permanently face financial crisis; have academic excellence in financial management; they would remain short in their physical structure. Since Rahu does not own any house, the significations of houses owned by Jupiter could be included as RAHU will act as JUPITERhencethe Virgo ascendant borns may work in big organizations, banks. The native with Venus in 2nd House for Scorpio Ascendant is healthy and enjoys the benefit of the longevity of life but loses the benefit of inheritance. A positive unafflicted strong benefic Venus in the 7th House will give you a fantastic personality full of good looks and beauty. Sagittarius is a common and fiery sign; so they may live in small and congested houses situated in the end part of a street and in the outskirts of city; may have to live in houses owned by other community people; they will not stay long in the same house; may complete their higher education after crossing over quite a few barriers. The Venus in Virgo individual definitely has an eye for aesthetics.