You can find their details by clicking Editorial Office on the left-hand column of the journal webpage. I was asked to review for an MDPI journal and realized while requesting to extend the deadline for my review that the editor at MDPI intended to send review requests to several reviewers, to gather enough reviews to make a decision on the basis of the first 2-3 he received. The duration of this status depends on the Academic Editors workload and availability. Please provide the reason for your withdrawal request. It is first time for me to face this issue in MDPI as I published a lot of papers in MDPI journals and the decision was take after 2days. Please reach out to the Assistant Editor or the Editorial Office for further guidance on this matter as it will largely depend on when in the publication process you are in. No changes can be made at any point in the publishing process. There is another journal with the same aim and scope that I would like to resubmit but I am afraid they will reject immediately it since I did not notice any desk transfer suggestion. Sorry youve been waiting longer than expected. Thank you. Please could you reach out to the journals Editorial Office? In this article, we will first discuss the overall publishing process, and then describe each manuscript status in detail. We aim to find expert reviewers within one week of sending out invitations and then expect reviews back within two weeks. Please I will know, In the process revising my paper i am suppose to accept the change suggested by the editor or I should just fix my part. In fact JCM said the average time for peer review just around 3 weeks! What does it mean? Something that authors often worry about is manuscript rejection. Furthermore, it is possible to update this down the line, so dont worry. However, I understand that you have been waiting for a while now. The typo will be removed by MDPIs in-house English editors during the editorial process. Hi, good morning! But if go through the link the editorial decision is showing rejected and redeclined submission. Bank fees will be deducted from the refund. We got first decision in 39 days (despite the fact that average time for it in Agronomy is 19 days) and did our revision within 5 days. They should respond within 1-2 working days. At this stage, the PDF version of your paper will be available online. You can also check out one of our other articles to find out more about what your manuscript status means. How much do I need to revise it to resubmit it to the SI? The Editorial Office can help you with this. This status means that our team of English editors are reviewing your manuscript for grammar, spelling, and MDPI house style. They will be able to help and advise you. The paper has been edited by a native English Editor. what should I do? The charge will therefore be dealt with by your colleagues institution. can I ask for payment extension of the apc? I would greatly appreciate it if you can help us with this matter. However, one has negative response. This is because authors, reviewers, and Academic Editors in different fields of research have their own needs and expectations. For the abstract submission deadline, you only need to prepare an abstract of your planned paper. Could you please advise me how to deal with this situation? MDPI has an expert team of editors who detect English errors and house style issues in the proof-reading stage. I have submitted my Minuscript to international journal of molecular sciences, on Friday 21st October, But the status is still same pending review. Another query is sticking in researcher mind whether voucher based payments increase paper rejection or slows down editorial processing. how can I find my submitted paper reviewers emails? Thanks for the reply. However, this all depends on the time frame in which the reviewers respond. This usually takes around 1-2 working days, dependent on the editors schedule. The length of the process could be dependent on the editors workload, for example, or the scope of the journal/SI. Last decision: Reject Reviewer 3 Ole Jonny Klakegg Major (Report sent on 13 October 2020) Last decision: Reconsider after major revision. In addition, you can email the Editorial Office if you havent received feedback from the Assistant Editor in the expected time frame. Hi, Pending editor decision = The Academic Editor is making a final decision. I fully understand that it can be nerve-wracking to wait for updates on a manuscript. Or should I wait for more time? Author proofreading resubmitted = Authors have resubmitted the latest version of their paper, and the Assistant Editor will accept changes and double-check that everything is correct before paper publication. You could try submitting without style files. They usually have a busy schedule. This may take a bit longer if Layout Editors are busier than usual, however we have measures in place to avoid delayseven if any editors on the team are on leave. However, if your paper has already been published, it will have to remain in open review. Please need guidance. Thank you. Ill post again after editing. We also submitted a short text as per instructions given at : But, Im happy to inform you that, as your colleague is part of an IOAP institute, the APC will be discounted. The IOAP entitles authors to a 10% discount on APCs. Kindly clarify what does this indicate? After 2 rounds of the revision, 2 reviewers accept for the publication and 3rd one reject it, because he/she comments irrelevant to the manuscript and authors were not able able to satisfy him/her. This is because the average waiver rate across all MDPI journals was 35%. This is the second paper that I published in sustainability. mdpi publication . Please contact the journals Editorial Office immediately, letting them know of your situation. Sorry that this is taking a bit longer than expected. This is usually completed in around three working days, but could take longer depending on the reviewers schedules. now they asked me for another revision. For questions about individual submissions, we recommend contacting the Editorial Office of the journal. i submitted my revised manuscripts after 2 major revision and one minor revision . I have contacted the personal editor, but she did not reply me about this question. This stage takes about 1-2 working days, dependent on the editors schedule. You can then choose between the vouchers in Step 5 of the submission process. Plagiarism of any kind is not accepted by MDPI. Authors pay a one-time Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover the costs of peer review administration and management, the professional production of articles in PDF and other formats, and the dissemination of published papers in various venues, in addition to free readership and other publishing functions. With this in mind, I have reached out to Metals on your behalf and I am following your case very closely. The status is now Pending Review. Therefore, kindly check and take the steps. It has is under the status of pending conversion and it waited for two weeks still now? Shouldnt the editor have allowed for pending minor or major revisions? Our Micromachines paper has been Under Review for 22 days now, despite the 14.4 days review speed posted in the website. I submitted my article on January 4, 2023, with the manuscript ID of polymers-2173405 on journal polymers . Thank you very much for your comment. I submitted my manuscript for the Diagnostic Journal Under Special Issues / Applications of AI in ECG on Oct 20,2022. Pending review = The paper is due to be pre-checked. They aim to complete it in 1224 hours. The graphic below shows how a typical manuscript goes through the Editorial Manager system, along with some of the terms used to describe the manuscript's status. Also another point, the process is so long than before do you know why? If you have made a mistake in your paper, please contact the Editorial Office. I have submitted my manuscript titled to Polymers journal on March 09, 2022 and the revisions were submitted on November 14, 2022. Your paper will be published in under 24 hours. I am the author of an article that wants to be published in Metals MDPI with the manuscript ID and title as follows: Manuscript ID: metals-1771094. If you have any questions specific to your paper, please reach out to the Assistant Editor assigned to your manuscript. Please contact the Assistant Editor if you require an extension. However, this requirement is fairly new; thus, genomic sequence information is . Hi, I want to ask what does it mean editor comment lauout with pending editor descion from last ten days. When submitting your manuscript to SuSy, it will start with an option to select whether or not you have used the journals template; some of the fields will already be filled out if you use it. special issue 12 1 17 -> 2 17 minor revision ( . Hello Manish, thanks for getting in touch. They will advise you of the decision and any action that you need to take. MDPIpending decisionPending editor decision. Id like to ask about the status of Pending Editorial Decision which has lasted for more than 10 days. How long is the waiting period for editor decision? If the journal cannot accept addition of new author, so they should tell us the reason. Any feedback will be helpful. MDPI prides itself on the high speed and flexibility of its publication. We tried to enquire the same from assistant editor, section managing editor and Cells editorial office but did not get any response. As an academic publisher, we rely on members of the research community to make important decisions about author submissions. You can expect to receive information about changes soon. Can we add and remove the author during proofreading step? So, they directly refused that we will not consider the new author. Delays may be a bit longer if the Managing Editor needs to double-check any information. Our article is in the same status from the last 7 days. Today I checked as its changed to Pending decision and I see peer reviewers comments. Thank you. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. However, the status of my submitted article is in the pending decision. Unfortunately, I found one correction didnt match which i told like just adding three words in literature section. I would like to know the status of our manuscript jcm-2211571 This comes after the paper is accepted. Because we maintain a very quick publishing service, we do not offer expedited peer review. Hello, But still my paper is not appear in there database. Hi, we submitted a paper in Agronomy journal almost 2 months ago. Manuscripts that include plagiarism are rejected. The Academic Editor is making a final decision about your paper. JAMS is the submission system behind MDPI's journals. The different versions of your manuscript are tracked in SuSy. Various Dialect Groups on 2022-04-27, with manuscript ID: histories-1697518. Apologies for the delay. Hi, We resumitted revised manuscript on weekend, however, we notice that one Figure have a little wrong legend. Thank you for submitting your proofread manuscript. Comment. Our editors are trained to find quality review candidates.