I worked doing cabling design for the space station, and I also am a certified Microsoft Small Business Specialist, said Colbeck. He leads MALDEFs national efforts to promote the civil rights of all Latinos living in the United States. The former senators claims have been repeatedly debunked by bipartisan election officials, actual election security experts, judges and numerous Trump administration officials and allies, wrote Dominion lawyers. But, for decades the clusters of men seeking work outside home repair stores or gathered on street corners in Southern California have been largely from Mexico and Central America. The 1977 lawsuit leads to the landmark 1982 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that affirmed the constitutional right to a free K-12 public school education for all children regardless of immigration status. If you are interested in a broad introduction into the topic of election fraud, this link will take to you a compendium of posts on the topic. With the exception of the electronic poll books, and they all had that icon saying theyre connected to the internet., I asked the head of the election bureau his name was Daniel Baxter I go, are any of these computers connected to the internet? Copyright 2022 Patrick Colbeck Legal Defense Fund - All Rights Reserved. We stood up on behalf of day laborers whose rights to freedom of speech were violated by punitive municipal ordinances banning them from soliciting work in public spaces. He was at the back of the TCF center when a van full of ballots arrived at 3:30AM on November 4th, 2020. Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Copyright 2020 MALDEF | Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Thank you so much to all who are supporting us in this battle for the truth! While thesituation continues to evolve, this remainsa hugely important petition which we encourage you to SIGN and SHARE. The lawsuit leads to the election of Gloria Molina, the first Latina and first woman on the board in more than 115 years. We continue to call for investigations to be made into allegations of election fraud. MALDEF files a lawsuit in April 2014 on behalf of parents and families seeking to ensure New Mexicos poor and at-risk children receive a sufficient education. Inspired by the civil-rights era legal battles mounted on behalf of the African American community and knowledgeable of the pervasive discrimination against Latinos, lawyers and community activists throughout the southwestern United States launched efforts to create a legal organization to serve the Latino community. Colbeck said coronavirus rules were central to obstruction of the voting process. He went on to count the ways that the election process in Detroit abused four different key areas of vulnerability for vote tampering. A judge agreed that the expulsions violated the students constitutional right to protest. Well said! We all need to get out of our comfort zone and stick up for the truth regardless of insults and false accusations. The 2020 COUP: What Happened. Once it gets to the Detroit Elections Bureau for these canvassing operations, thats when they go off and sort and make sure theres a number of ballots cast according to the poll book, equal to the number of ballots we have in our container. Department of Justice to 'do their job' and engage in meaningful investigations of the mounting evidence of voter fraud. Over the course of our 50-year history, MALDEFs litigation and advocacy efforts have spurred reforms and led to new laws and policies with wide-ranging impact for the Latino community and the nation as a whole. Hint, hint..a 2025 Trump appointment? Don't let them be successful in the courtroom! We use Christian fundraising site GiveSendGo to process funds and collect prayers. The fourth key control point is the tabulation of the vote itself. Ann Marie Tallman named president and general counsel of MALDEF. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. The Debrief: Tim Carney on Chicago mayoral race being about rising crime, The Debrief: Conn Carroll on HHS encouraging illegal child labor. In the 19th Century, they were immigrants from Ireland, Italy, Germany, and Poland. Does Mexico want to be the next Nicaragua? And we do have a right to go off and inspect anything. If it will help others understand easier, hell create detailed flow diagrams on a whim. The lawsuit leads to a state court ruling in favor of the plaintiffs in July 2018. Because of MALDEFs efforts, the federal Voting Rights Act was expanded in 1975 to recognize and provide for redress of political disenfranchisement and voting rights abuses targeting the Latino community. It will make your blood boil! Review the evidence for yourself. Some jurisdictions even proclaim their new Risk Limiting Audit process is a forensic audit. Hamilton, ON L8L 4S4. President Trump also tweeted that this case is, "very strongALL CRITERIA MET.". The evidence of election fraud in the 2020 election is overwhelming. MALDEF attorneys represented the students. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan with Bachelors and Masters of Science Degrees in Aerospace . The NASW Legal Defense Fund (LDF) was to assist NASW members in three areas: First, a fund was created from member contributions to support NASW members with legal fees in cases involving social work issues. The chip was found on the small mother board inside the ES&S DS200 ballot scanner & tabulator. our mission. Hes a former MI State Senator who understands the bureaucracy and its potential for corruption. While that case was MALDEFs signature achievement in education, there are many more examples of why the E in our acronym stands for Educational. In 1984, MALDEF filed the landmark case of Edgewood v. Kirby, which charged that public school financing methods in Texas undercut low-income schools in violation of state constitutional mandates requiring the legislature to provide an efficient and free public school system. Very few officials have access to see these results as they are automatically totaled and moved from polling place, to county, to other machines, and so on. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Non-partisan and nonprofit since 1988. There were at least 136 slots and all we could identify throughout the night were three.. MALDEF sues the national clothing retailer challenging recruiting and hiring practices that exclude minorities and women, in violation of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. There were all kinds of games like that being played by some of the poll workers that were enabled, frankly, by the fact that they pushed us back at 6 feet. MALDEF moves its headquarters to San Francisco, California. In the United States, a legal defense fund (or LDF) is an account set up to pay for legal expenses, which can include attorneys' fees, court filings, litigation costs, legal advice, or other legal fees. Colbeck connects the big picture to the evidence by way of their tactics. MALDEF files suit in 2011 in response to maps enacted by the Texas Legislature that failed to reflect Latino growth in the state through the creation of new Latino-majority districts. The MPMC building also serves as a unique professional environment primarily for other non-profit organizations that provide assistance to minority and other underserved communities. And that interference did not start on election day, November 3 it started well before that.. MALDEF moves its headquarters to San Francisco, California. . The case led to greater equity of school funding. NAACP LEGAL DEFENSE AND EDUCATIONAL FUND, INC. Sherrilyn A. Ifill, President and Director-Counsel National Office 40 Rector Street, 5th Floor New York, NY 10006 212.965.2200 . I dont care if you do it by throwing in a whole bunch of extra ballots or whether or not you decide to be savvy with SQL databases. Isnt this the last place you should have a modem? MALDEF successfully moves to intervene in January 2015 in a lawsuit filed by Texas and 26 other states to President Obamas November 2014 announcement of Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA), and the expansion of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) initiative. Headquartered in Los Angeles, MALDEF operates five regional offices in Los Angeles, San Antonio, Atlanta, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. MALDEF offers challenging and rewarding employment opportunities for qualified individuals who are ready and willing towork for justice. But apparently the memo didnt get out to most of the poll workers. Theres a key principle in election security thats called chain of custody. Published November 9, 2020 at 3:23pm Comment Senator Patrick Colbeck is an aerospace engineer, author, former elected official, and former candidate for governor in Michigan. It was used as an excuse to keep poll challengers from witnessing that activity. What We Can Do. is one of the best overviews on how the election was stolen. Election integrity is at the heart of republican democracy, and if we don't have it, we no longer have a functioning republic. Anybody whos claiming an election victory on the basis of what happened, particularly in the state of Michigan and in the Detroit Absent Voter [AV] counting board, should not be claiming any sort of victory at all, Colbeck told LifeSites Lisa Stover. Civil Rights Coalition Releases Report Highlighting Federal Agency Progress and Gaps on Voting Access, Urges the Biden-Harris Administration to Finish the Job, LDF Sends Letter Urging New York to Allocate Funding for the New York Voting and Elections Database and Institute, Civil Rights Groups Send Letter to U.S. Senate Leaders Opposing Efforts to Obstruct D.C.s Revised Criminal Code Act, LDF Issues Response to Texas Governors State of the State Address. The Washington Examiner reached out to Colbeck but did not immediately receive a response. If your receipts and records dont match the entries, that IRS return is rejected. Vote Smart provides free, unbiased, in-depth information about current officials, candidates, issues, legislation, and voting. Patrick J. Colbeck, The 2020 COUP. They had no explanation for the ballots at the back of the TCF Center. The Legal Defense Fund is America's premier legal organization fighting for racial justice. Patrick Colbeck explained how he encountered blatant violations of voting law and procedure at every step of the process. We are fighting back against the Texas statute SB 4, which requires local governments to participate in enforcing federal immigration law. Patrick experienced one of these dots himself, in person. Reporters Notebook: What did Blinken tell his Russian counterpart? November 7, 2020 ( LifeSiteNews) - In an exclusive bombshell interview with LifeSiteNews, former Michigan state senator and aerospace engineer Patrick Colbeck brought to light a . These projects range from industrial scale activities like True The Vote, to regional efforts like those in Antrim, MI. The 2020 COUP includes images, charts, diagrams, letters, emails, and so on. MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund) opened its doors on August 1, 1968 in San Antonio, Texas. Indeed, this would apply equally toallcitizens who voted within the framework of the lawacross the United States! Thisabout whether or not the sanctity of the ballot box has beentampered with! MALDEF went to court on behalf of 192 students at Edcouch Elsa High School in Hidalgo County, Texas, who were expelled after boycotting classes in protest of the local school boards refusal to hear their pleas on educational abuses.