Kokichi gathered with everyone in the gymnasium the very next morning at the Monokuma Kubs request. Miu and Kokichi have a very negative relationship, both disliking the other heavily. In general, he appears to be somewhat against cooperation and strong inspirational speeches during the killing game, as he has pointed out that this makes you suspicious and a threat in the eyes of the mastermind. The next night, Miu gathered everyone in the computer room on the fourth floor of the academy, lying to them all about a way to escape the killing game. Kokichi asks you on a date, you agree to go, but you dont know if this is a lie or if its the truth! Later, after everyone discussed the map of the virtual world and mansion, Kokichi led Gonta to the Flashback Light the rest of the group was searching for in the forest behind the mansion, already knowing it's hiding spot. During that same night, the Monokuma Kubs prepared the second motive, distributing various motive videos at random while the students slept. The real truth isn't that great anyway. That's why, "The sole act of killing is a waste. He even playfully went along with her usual way of thinking, asking if it was Atua's will or magic, though Himiko seriously answered that it was neither. However, it is unclear if this memory of him was a part of the fabrication made by . Kokichi happily accepted the claim, even going so far as to claim that he himself killed Angie, shocking and confusing the group. However, the point was to give him a creepy feeling as well, so his early designs included things like black clothing, skeleton patterns, and heterochromatic eyes. Apparently, his pants are made to look like a piece of punk fashion with bondage pelts, but they are actually just fake belts sewed to thicker part of the thighs. In chapter 5, it's revealed that Kokichi talked with Miu before the fourth murder happened and asked her to make various inventions to fight against Monokuma. Kaito admits he hated Kokichi and that he pissed him off, but also admits that only a crazy guy like him could have a crazy plan needed to defeat Monokuma, and the two appeared to form a sort of mutual respect during their last moments. Monokuma however, was disappointed that the motive went to waste, as Kokichi had no plans to kill anybody. Underneath all of this, Kokichi appears to be quite childish and harmless. After extinguishing the candles, all four of them sang the Caged Child Song, noticing an extremely loud noise in the middle of the darkened seance. He thought that Monokuma was the coolest one of all the Monokumas and even considered his children, the Monokubs, annoying ripoffs of Monokuma. When they're alone, he tries to offer his support for Shuichi, saying he wants to use him to work together and be useful to Shuichi as well. The key to a mutual friendship is understanding each other! I hate liars! Once inside the virtual world, Kokichi immediately hit K1-B0, confirming that everyone's sense was still connected and that their real bodies could die of shock if their avatars were killed. On the night of the time limit, Kokichi remained alone in his room. Kokichi describes himself as an evil supreme leader, and often claims that this title is the reason behind many of his questionable actions as if he is expected to fulfill his role. Due to that fact, it is unclear whether Kokichi is the leader of D.I.C.E. Later, it is revealed that his organization is actually just a small group of pranksters who commit mild crimes for laughs and they are indeed strongly against killing, implying that Kokichi was honest during his last moments and possibly explaining his strong dislike for Maki's Ultimate talent. Kokichi is a young man with an innocent look and a rather refined face. He's a walking lie or deception - at times in the extreme. Seriously though, he's probably around 15-18 like everyone else. Miu however, placed a bottle of poison on Kokichi's seat, wanting to make it look like he died in the real world as part of her murder plan completely unaware that the tables were about to be turned on her. Kokichi appeared and congratulated everyone for discovering the truth of the outside world. It was at this time that Maki rode an Exisal into the hangar, intent on ending the killing game, saving Kaito, and killing Kokichi due to believing that he was a Remnant of Despair from the false memory triggered by the Flashback Light. Shuichi is also detained by the Ultimate Entomologist and brought to his lab, apologizing later for accidentally knocking him unconscious before continuing his kidnapping spree. With his notable acting skills, Kokichi is capable of hiding his true intentions and lie so well that the other students can never tell what he is truly thinking. The morning of the next day, Kokichi along with everyone else would gather in the dining hall once again and have a normal, but forced the conversation to try and make themselves not think about the horrible events that transpired yesterday. During the bonus mode Ultimate Talent Development Plan, after spending three years as Kokichi's classmate, K1-B0 admits that he considers Kokichi his friend even though he isn't fond of his robophobia. He had no idea what she meant by Remnant of Despair and asked her whether or not she really enjoys killing that much. In the end, Kokichi considered Monokuma and the mastermind his true enemies, as you can only truly win the game by beating them and because he claimed to truly hate the killing game and its creators. Wesley Aeyler {{ relativeTimeResolver(1585369050946) }} LIVE Points 243. In the bonus mode Ultimate Talent Development Plan, Izuru Kamukura is shown to be uninterested in Kokichi's organization due to his ability to sense lies and his overall apathy, and Nagito Komaeda also seems to believe the organization doesn't exist because he would've already found out something about it if it did with his luck (though, out of respect, he won't tell Kokichi this out loud). When the students are attempting to catch Kokichi, they set an "Amami trap", with him waiting in place and attempting to catch him with his arms. And I'm one of those people. ", "Hey, do robots have dicks? Much later on in Chapter 5, after the remaining participants cleared the Death Road of Despair, Kokichi lied about being the mastermind of the Killing School Semester and that he was the leader of the cult bent on stopping the Gofer Project. To try and preserve the last vestiges of mankind before the Earths destruction, the government decided to select sixteen talented students chosen by the Ultimate Initiative that also somehow happened to be immune to the virus, put them in a spaceship colony, and have them escape before the Earth's destruction. He appeared more serious as he stated in Chapter 5 that he thinks of everybody as his friends, but would watch them from afar because nobody would want him around. Super High School Level Supreme Leader). It's revealed that Kokichi let himself to be caught on purpose and actually wishes to get tied up and "interrogated" roughly, but Shuichi does not want to hurt him and is confused by the situation, which seems to disappoint Kokichi a bit. English What will happen when a green haired . Kokichi then appears to calm down immediately, but it's likely that he was just acting and messing with her. All of this was done for the sake of satisfying Danganronpa's audience from all over the world. Furthermore, being a liar himself, he always seems to notice when and why other people are lying. However, it is unclear how much, if any of Kokichi's past before participating in the 53rd Killing Game was real, and which was fabricated by Team Danganronpa. Like in most situations, it's unclear how serious Kokichi actually is, but it is likely that he was just joking. He states that if he grows to like someone, he makes them notice him even if it means choking them. Kaito does get pissed off at the insults, shouting at him and the others to stop calling him an idiot. Gonta was the first to find Kokichi's message while searching for bugs. This was also implied by his very serious and genuinely frustrated looking crying expressions, which are very different from his usual, obvious fake tears, and the fact that K1-B0 believed he was honest (and he is multiple times shown to be right due to his inner voice). As a notable exception, the other characters almost never believe Kokichi's obvious crocodile tears, though it's likely that he just uses them to annoy others and doesn't really even try to use them to trick others. Kokichi is one of the only two people to die before seeing their. Kaito however, was angered by this, saying that he wasn't the culprit, but that Maki wasn't the culprit either, much to both Maki's and Kokichi's bewilderment. ", "If I gave you honest answers now, it'd just make everything boring, riiiight? ", and then appears relaxed as he tells her they should focus on the class trial and talk about it later. Kaito reassured her that she would be fine and told her to leave. Kokichi wakes up with everyone else to find Miu dead in her own chair, having died from shock in the virtual world. Like everyone else, Rantaro can be a bit annoyed with Kokichi's behavior. However, Maki refused to let anyone in, much to Shuichi's confusion. Liar, liar, pants on fire! As everyone discussed what to do about this issue, Kaito reassured everyone, saying that he'd take care of Maki. It's hard for the others to tell when Ouma is lying or telling the truth, . Also, both of their designs appear to be capes. HIGH SCHOOL. Maki became increasingly worried upon seeing this and threatened to kill Kokichi herself. Upon receiving this memory, everyone's determination solidified, resolving to stop Kokichi, save Kaito, and end the Killing Game once and for all. In his Free Time Events, Kokichi makes multiple references to shows such as Yu-Gi-Oh! ", "Don't get the wrong idea. He also appeared quite arrogant, clearly considering himself very important part of the class trials, looking down on some of the other students, often wishing to lead the debates and once claiming that the class trials won't be good if the others won't allow him to speak. Though, Kokichi also seemed to do this to further mock Kaito who lost horribly. At the beginning of the game, Shuichi was portrayed as a quiet and awkward person, showed by how he didn't talk much during the introductions, and the only major emotion he expressed was when Miu insulted him as a "pervert" for wearing a hat to avoid eye contact, and when Ryoma introduced . Kaito asked Kokichi what had gotten into him, stating that the way he was acting now was a whole different level of weird. Talent Ah-hahahahahaha! Rating. It was later fixed in the localization. Kaede was confused by Kokichi's childish personality and his unusual Ultimate talent. NAME This usually results in Kokichi being met by one of Maki's glares, at which point he silences out of fear. Tsumugi Shirogane - 83cm. After Kokichi returned with everyone's motive videos, Gonta told him about the people he was unable to detain while everyone else was even more irritated that Kokichi took so long to return while they had been swarmed by insects. However, following Gonta's execution, Kokichi puts up his "evil" facade once more, and more intensely than ever. Coming from him, this appeared to be quite a notable compliment, and it is worth noting that Kokichi had said the same phrase only to Shuichi and Kaito. In fact, the only thing known about his life for sure is his love of video games and that he's been playing them his whole life. "What good would it be if I lied? During his Free Time Events with Kaede, he warns her in a cryptic manner, though he claims he only does so because he actually cares about her. ouma. He also lied about being the one who let Monokuma enter the spaceship, which effectively forced everyone to participate in the Killing School Semester. The same day that everyone remembered this, Kaito, who was still being held captive inside the Exisal hangar, asked Himiko to bring him a disassembled crossbow through the small bathroom window. A After the Class Trial ended, Shuichi concluded that Kokichi was someone they could not understand all the way until the very end and that he might be the physical embodiment of "lie" itself. ", though he was just doing it to joke around. Film and TV . He appeared somewhat curious about Korekiyo's anthropology lessons and seances, though this could be in a more mocking fashion as he did not appear to actually believe in the topics Korekiyo often talked about. He also curiously asks about how the robot functions, like asking about his private parts, and seems disappointed if the answers are duller than he expected. Explore When was Lance Bouma drafted? How tall is kokichi ouma. Its heavily implied that Kokichi genuinely cared about Himiko at the moment, as when the other students accused him of not thinking about Himiko's feelings at all he himself stated that he was being so harsh specifically because he cared, in a cruel to be kind way. Just like the Alpha Kokichi, he's a pretty energetic piece of shit. He similarly occasionally uses deeper voice in the English version, but it's less notable as his usual voice isn't as childish as the original. Kokichi seemingly shrugged this claim off and left the trial grounds, having become bored yet again. However, this changes after he starts antagonizing Kaito, who Maki developed a romantic interest in. We wanna live, so stop getting in our way!" Y'know, one of those lies to make us more united or whatever. I've done a looooot of bad things. Maki panicked, rushed out of the hangar, and made her way to Shuichi's Research Lab to retrieve the antidote for the poison, but Kokichi closed the shutter to the hangar to ensure she could not come back in. According to Gonta, he then foamed at the mouth and passed out, and was so exhausted the next morning that he only showed up after hearing the body discovery announcement. He told everyone that he wanted to end the killing game as well, but Maki was tired of his deceptive nature and threatened to strangle him once again, asking him just what he was scheming. He asked her what is it that she's trying to supress. While everyone else investigated, the group prepared for the seance in the vacant middle room on the same floor. While Shuichi and Korekiyo were talking in the latter's lab, Kokichi suddenly barged in, took the gold leaf katana out of its display case and examined it, revealing that it was a real blade. Kokichi, K1-B0, Himiko, and Tenko all decided to help, completely unaware that the Ultimate Anthropologist had ulterior motives and that he was the one who killed Angie the night prior. Despite her murder attempt, Miu claimed to have no particular ill-intent against Kokichi and appeared very hesitant and uncomfortable with the idea of killing him. I'm used to risking my life!". Shuichi continues to act very hesitant and Kokichi says it does not matter how Shuichi feels, though he soon states he was lying about that. He can also notice when people are lying to themselves, which is a trait he considers "not good". Kokichi enjoys teasing and picking on Himiko due to her delayed reactions and personality, which make her an easy target since she often does not realize what Kokichi means and gets angry whenever she does. Overall, Kokichi didn't help with the investigation at all but instead was more aiming to confuse the duo with his lies. In his promotional art, he is shown with a dark flowing cloak and a leather peaked hat with a gold badge on top of it, giving him a more malicious look. However, he also goes to extreme measures, such as claiming himself as the killer during the third class trial in order to bring out the real killer. During the Death Road of Despair, Kaede told the group to keep going, until most people's spirits were broken. when Shuichi reminds him that Kirumi isn't his real mom. In the end, Kokichi watched as the Ultimate Maid, his honorary mom, was executed by Monokuma. Weight ", "Personally, I don't think lies are exactly a bad thing Let's face it, you wouldn't have any free will if the world was comprised with just the truth. Himiko had made promises and talked at-length during the trial about how she wasnt going to call things tiresome and she was going to embrace her emotions to the fullest and be honest with herself, but she wasn't actually following through. Kokichi's goal is to end the Killing Game at any cost, unlike Byakuya, who was largely driven by self interest; and Nagito, who only sought to . ", "A talented liar like me can spot other people's lies easily. He is also absolutely furious with Gonta when he fails to argue back and thus is ruining their plan, making Kokichi completely lose his composure in anger, though he also appears genuinely touched and shocked when Gonta is willing to forgive him after everything he has done. After talking about it a bit more, Kokichi confessed that he lied about being the culprit, claiming that he wanted to draw out the real culprit with his lie. Let me know if. Notably, whenever his face and tone goes more blank and neutral, it's heavily implied that he has a rare moment of being completely genuine and honest, and he has an occasional habit to unintentionally speak out loud what he is genuinely thinking and sometimes even does it intentionally by openly explaining it to the other students. He was a degenerate male, that was for sure, but he seemed different from most. However, Monokuma wasn't pleased with the downer ending of the trial, but only laughed it off when Kokichi said that his plan to make the game more interesting was just a lie. I'm gonna make it no matter what! During the investigation itself, Kokichi headed to the Ultimate Magician's Research Lab in order to find out how Himiko had performed her trick. As a result, the two keep fighting for Shuichi's attention, and Kokichi even teasingly mocks Kaito by asking twice if he likes him or something because he keeps pestering him when he is trying to talk with Shuichi. It's not exactly home sweet home, but it'll do. During the bonus mode Love Across the Universe, Kokichi even claims that he truly respects police officers and detectives who fight the bad guys yet get blamed by the public, and he reacts negatively about the criminal organization documents as he claims that thinking about all the bad things they bring to the world makes him sad. He sometimes harshly calls out other characters and brings up their major issues, but also appears to push them forward and improve. The next morning, Kokichi brought up the yesterday's argument, now acting saddened and asking if Kaede was okay and complaining how mean the others were towards the "poor girl". Maki used slow-acting poison-tipped arrows in an attempt to torture Kokichi for information before his death. One of the areas that would become unlocked would be the remaining second floor of the school, which led to the third floor. ", "Who knows? ", "There's nothing more depressing than an unnoticed prank. After Monokuma showed up, claiming that there was a "secret of the outside world" within the virtual world program, everyone decided that it would be better to investigate after all. He is the self-proclaimed leader of an evil secret society with more than 10,000 members, though it's unknown if it actually exists. The character was made to be a liar to add to the story's main theme of truth and lies. Size: Height(15cm/5.9inch). You're too scared to point your fingers at others, so you hide behind the word, "trust. Geez, if you're really that much of a weenie, then you might actually lose, y'know? June 21 In Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (Demo Version), Kokichi is first seen inside the storage room chasing and harassing K1-B0. While the Student Council members mourned the loss of their president, Korekiyo proposed they perform a seance in order to commune with Angie's spirit. ", "How rude. Furthermore, in the bonus mode Ultimate Talent Development Plan, Kokichi tells Gonta that they won't see each other anymore after graduating due to them being a gentleman and an evil supreme leader. Oh, don't tell meyou guys aren't confident enough to win the game? Being just a human, he occasionally needs a small moment to control his true feelings and put his mask back on while suffering from shock, which is portrayed by having his face being darkened by a shadow. Kodaka has also mentioned more than once how Danganronpa has never had a character who simply enjoys the trials before, even if it was just a lie, which is why they wanted to make him the pretense mastermind battling against the real one. The Ultimate Supreme Leader would rather sneak around!". Nothing pleases me more than inflicting pain on others! In her relationship chart, Kokichi grins while calling her "an extremely ugly girl". Furthermore, Tenko isn't very smart, which is a trait Kokichi isn't very interested in if he doesn't find it useful. In the mastermind's rush, however, they accidentally overlooked slight inconsistencies and plot holes when linking both stories together, such as "Ultimate Despair" only referring to Junko Enoshima, and that Class 78 was trapped by the Ultimate Despair when they had actually locked themselves within the school in order to shelter themselves from the tragedy outside. Seriously, the worst! Kokichi and the others went to space in the massive ark, the true form of Ultimate Academy of Gifted Juveniles, and were put to a cold sleep for several decades. He has claimed multiple times that he is physically weak and appears fearful whenever he is physically attacked by other people, often preferring to run away fast and claiming that he prefers to sneak around. Afterward, Kokichi proclaimed himself as the leader of the cult bent on stopping the Gofer Project and the one who let Monokuma into the ark, effectively declaring himself as the Mastermind of the Killing School Semester. Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, D.I.C.E. Kokichi however, lost a significant amount of blood due to his misstep. He came up with an original theory that enjoying the extreme thrill of cornering yourself with all exits sealed is the definition of fun. Kokichi Oma is a character featured in Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony and a participant of the Killing School Semester. Easy. It's not often you get to play a, "Thanks! Knowing this, Kokichi met with Monokuma in secret in the game room at nighttime and proposed that they reuse the motive in order to make the Killing Game "more interesting". ", "People can lie about how malicious their hidden secrets really are. Kokichi introduced himself to Kaede and Shuichi as the Ultimate Supreme Leader, stating that he's the leader of an evil secret organization surpassing over ten-thousand, though neither of them really believed his claims. ; Alliterative Name: Shuichi Saihara. However, Kokichi pointed out to Gonta that she still truly attemped to murder him and her motives were just a poor excuse. *~. Kokichi tends to point fingers at her and claim she's the culprit, though he doesn't really seem to believe this and seemingly just does it for fun, like in Chapter 2. He occasionally even seems to feel sympathy towards K1-B0, like when the robot talks about having only average or even less than average human-like functions. As everybody investigated the seance room in order to find the cause of Tenko's death, Kokichi noticed the loose floorboard and got a theory that he needed to confirm. Kodaka describes them as "physically impossible" and "otherworldly" instead of overdramatic. He does lots of investigation alone without other people noticing, analyzes the other students, and writes their fates and his impression of them on his whiteboard. Yeah, so what? We'll scare the culprit until they screw up! It was initiated by heads of nations from all over the world after countless meteorites crashed into Earth, spreading a deadly virus all throughout the atmosphere. Kokichi enjoys provoking Maki, starting after the second trial, during which he accuses her of driving Ryoma to suicide by showing the tennis player his motive video. In the official art book, it is indicated that Kirumi also regularly polished Kokichi's shoes.[5]. Kaito also listened to Kokichi's last words, but later admits that he wasn't sure what was true and what was Kokichi's true character. During the investigation, Kokichi tells the others about the situation and how strange it was, with him appearing visibly disappointed. Just like everyone else, Kokichi was confused about their current predicament, asking the others if they wanted for him to check on what was happening outside but was warned by Korekiyo Shinguji that those monsters, the Exisals, could still be nearby. danganronpa. In Chapter 4, Kokichi seemingly manipulated Gonta into killing Miu for him, because Miu had made it so that Kokichi couldn't harm her. Later, he would meet up with Shuichi in front of Angie's lab, wondering why it was locked. Kaito does attempt to persuade Kokichi for answers by threatening him with a crossbow retrieved by Himiko and shooting him in the arm with it. When Kokichi cries and appears scared at one point, Angie comforts him by telling him about Atua, the god of the island. The dorm is where Shuichi discovers Kokichi's motive video. He has also implied that his main goal is to, of course, take over the world or just watch it burn.