Very cautious navigation is strongly recommended everywhere. Please feel free to add this route to the mountain page. Snow cover is about 80% from Strawberry Junction north for about 1.0 mile (roughly 8500 ft), and thereafter essentially continuous to San Jacinto Peak. Spikes will not be required by most hikers, depending upon comfort level hiking on patchy angled icy snow. Crampons (or perhaps spikes or snowshoes on some days) are recommended. The Peak Trail still has about 90% cover of icy snow to San Jacinto Peak. Currently only one major trail route has been traveled and even that is partially obscured by icefall, melting and drifted snow. SNOW DEPTHS measured on 6th January 2023 are as follows. There are no significant changes to snow/ice conditions, and advice below basically spikes recommended throughout the high country remains valid. However the route is now largely well-traveled and compacted. Take a look here . San Diego County Trail Map Sale Price: $13.88 . The first number is the current average total snow depth at that location, followed in parentheses by the approximate depth of fresh snow added by the latest storm sequence on 14th-17th January. Note that generally the maximum depths so far this winter were immediately following the major storm sequence on 14th-17th January 2023 (details of those depths available here). The advice above should be used with this in mind, and if in any doubt carry the necessary traction devices that you will be most comfortable using. Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 45 inches (30 inches snow in latest storms) but heavily drifted here, Annies Junction/PCT Mile 180.8 (9070 ft): 45-48 inches (about 30-32 inches snow in latest storms), Long Valley (8600 ft): 24 inches (16 inches in latest storms), Saddle Junction/PCT Mile 179 (8070 ft): 21 inches (13 inches snow in latest storms), Devils Slide trailhead at Humber Park (6550 ft): 5-6 inches (all from latest storms, four inches of snow on top of ice). For those interested in a detailed statewide discussion of this dramatic weather event, I recommend reading the excellent analysis on Weather West (linked here). Altitudes are approximate. Spikes are recommended especially in the morning as the snow is now hard, compacted and very icy in places. For day use a permit is required on any of the trails in the San Gorgonio Wilderness. UPDATE Tuesday 10th January: Another minor and relatively warm storm is passing through our mountains today. SNOW DEPTHS measured on 30th January 2023 (unless otherwise indicated) and checked again on 1st February are as follows. Dcouvrez les 9 joyaux cachs visiter et planifiez votre prochaine aventure ds maintenant autour de Yucaipa. Day hiked on 12/22/22 - Very nice snow and weather conditions with little wind. SNOW DEPTHS measured on 23rd January 2023 (unless otherwise indicated) are as follows. The East Ridge Trail from near Miller Peak to San Jacinto Peak has multiple tracks, all of which were disappearing under fresh spindrift when I ascended that way on Monday 23rd. From Laws east to Caramba the route of the original Caramba Trail has been well-cairned by myself and others and can largely be followed with very careful route-finding. Melting may be slow and largely confined to the most sun-exposed slopes, but freeze/thaw cycles, compaction, and low overnight temperatures may lead to very icy conditions. Both of these storms are expected to be relatively mild at first with rain a possibility up to 9000 ft before freeze levels drop down to 6000 ft. This trail will become significantly more treacherous as it is expected to add freezing rain and/or layers of snow and ice over the next ten days. Instead they end up miles from where they should be. Your contribution keeps the Report available to all, free from advertising or paywalls, and independent from agencies. Currently, and as conditions change, spikes are strongly recommended for the foreseeable future everywhere above about 7000 ft. This will likely continue to be the case for several weeks, given fresh snowfall expected. There was a dusting of snow in Garner Valley (4300 ft). Strong winds expected on 11th-12th, and again on 14th, will likely obscure many tracks. Note that temperatures fluctuating either side of freezing are forecast for both mid and upper elevations for the foreseeable future. 10 inches on 9th), Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 0-1 inch (was 4 inches on 9th), Annies Junction/approx. Icy snow cover is 60% overall, becoming increasingly patchy below about 7000 ft, and again in the sun-exposed areas above 8000 ft. Spikes are useful, especially for descending. While many hundreds of hours of time and effort are volunteered every year, the San Jacinto Trail Report uses small private donations to help cover modest operating costs. It is a very popular mountain with several trails that lead to the summit. Snow covered Mt. Other Info. At San Jacinto Peak (10,810ft/3295m) on Thursday 15th December 2022 at 0715 the air temperature was 28.0F (-2C), with a windchill temperature of 13.9F (-10C), 52% relative humidity, and a chilly WNW wind sustained at 9 mph gusting to 14.5 mph. Note however that snow depth is rarely indicative of the challenge (or otherwise) of a given trail. At the Peak on Thursday 24th November 2022 at 0810 the air temperature was 29.0F (-2C), with a windchill temperature of 5.7F (-15C), 16% relative humidity, and a severe NNW wind sustained at 25 mph gusting to 35.1 mph. We removed nine treefall hazards on 18th November and the trail is now completely clear again, bringing to 56 the number of trees we have removed from this trail since mid 2021. On the afternoon of 18th I saw posthole tracks that head down the start of the Caramba Trail, and following the PCT southbound toward Chinquapin Flat, but I have no further details at this time. Hikers should be prepared for temperatures below freezing in the high country, and far below freezing when considering wind chill effects (see below for my recent weather observations from San Jacinto Peak). On the morning of Wednesday 15th February I ascended via the east side (Devils Slide, Wellman, Peak, and East Ridge routes), descending the western side via roughly Deer Springs Trail. There is a well-traveled track on light icy snow from Long Valley/Tram to Wellman Divide. Current forecasts suggest that there may be significant snowfall on Sunday 29th-Monday 30th January at all elevations, but some warming and steady snow melt likely on either side of that date. On June 22, 16 SGWA Trail Crew members headed for the Vivian Creek trail. Devils Slide Trail is functionally clear of icy snow to Saddle Junction. Freeze levels will be well below 3000 ft at times, and for example Garner Valley (4300-4800 ft) could receive as much as 6-12 inches of snow this week. My route down to Little Round Valley will not be especially helpful to ascending hikers, as I made the most of conditions to take a direct glissading route. There is a compacted, well-traveled track on continuous light icy snow from Long Valley/Tram to Wellman Divide. However, relatively well-traveled tracks are now in place for most major trails (details below). Thank you so much for your support. What does it mean if I have a California Campfire Permit? Snowshoes can be used for ascending the highest peaks, but with considerable caution. At San Jacinto Peak (10,810ft/3295m) on Tuesday 6th December 2022 at 1530 the air temperature was 19.9F (-7C), with a windchill temperature of 3.8F (-16C), 18% relative humidity, and a sharp due West wind sustained at 7 mph gusting to 13.2 mph. I recorded a short(ish) video report from San Jacinto Peak late morning on Monday 30th (available here on YouTube) that gives a feel for the conditions in the high country at that time. 2006-2021 Temperatures will be below seasonal for December for at least the next week, with many days cloudy or at least partly cloudy. Relatively little snow is therefore expected throughout the mid elevations including Idyllwild. Easily the most popular San Gorgonio hike route, the Vivian Creek Trail is an iconic adventure up to the highest point in SoCal, at 11,503 feet. Be prepared for trails above about 8000 ft (perhaps lower in places) completely or largely obscured by moderate to deep snow; very cautious navigation is strongly recommended everywhere. The permits can be obtained at the Ranger Station in Mentone, 34701 Mill Creek Rd. Trails remain icy due to daily freeze/thaw cycles and compaction from hiker traffic, and spikes are useful throughout the trail system above about 9000 ft (lower in places). This was tricky for postholing which went through the ice layer. Spikes are recommended especially in the morning as the snow is now hard, compacted and very icy in places. Forecasts suggest a further 2-3 inches are possible tonight. For example, San Jacinto Peak received about 9 inches of fresh powder (on top of about 2-4 patchy inches of icy snow remaining from November) on Sunday 11th, with an additional inch falling on Monday 12th. The next comprehensive update to the Report will hopefully be tomorrow evening, Friday 6th. Devils Slide Trail has an excellent compacted track to follow to Saddle Junction. Altitudes are approximate. For example, the Please check this page for periodic updates (the most recent is at the top). [Checked 18th January by Anne and Anabel. Very light precipitation well before first light this morning included a dusting of snow above 6000 ft, <0.25 inch below 8000 ft and about 0.25 inch above that elevation, plus 0.03 inch of drizzle in Idyllwild. Altitudes are approximate. On Friday 20th I broke South Ridge Trail to Tahquitz Peak. Regarding snowfall, the high country may be above the cloud at times, with dustings of snow above about 7000 ft across much of the nine day period, but with the highest probability for a heavy snowfall on Saturday 31st December, totaling 8-15 inches. Camping on the mountain or anywhere within the San Gorgonio Wilderness requires a permit that can be obtained from the San Gorgonio Ranger District at 34701 Mill Creek Road in Mentone, CA. South Ridge Road (5S11) remains closed to vehicle traffic. The South Fork Trail is over 10 miles one-way. The powder was lovely and soft, and overlying a firm icy layer (from all the freezing rain). New phone # 909-382-2882If you want a permit for Vivian for a dayhike on the weekend in the summertime, you must get it 3-4 weeks in advance. Zelle, Venmo, and PayPal are all options. Temperatures will climb steadily this week and be well above seasonal for at least 21st-28th December. The freeze level has remained around 7500 ft for most of today, but is forecast to drop overnight closer to 6000 ft. If you have found this Report useful, please consider using this link to the Donate page. She was driving on Interstate 10 (and had to concentrate on the road!) All seasonal and ephemeral streams were running strongly, and the current water conditions are the best for four years, since the great Valentines Day flood event of 2019. Most major trails now have a track through the snow to follow, details have been updated below. The Ernie Maxwell Trail is functionally clear of icy snow, although a few minor patches remain, especially close to Humber Park. There are layers of hard ice and firm icy snow beneath the fresh powder, and crampons are ideal at present everywhere above 9000 ft, lower in places. As discussed above, additional snowfall expected on 10th and 14th-16th January will further complicate the trail conditions. 10 inches on 9th), Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 1-2 inches (was 4 inches on 9th), Annies Junction/approx. There was a further 0.5 inch dusting of snow above 8000 ft on Thursday 29th (as I describe in this video). At this time there is no further significant precipitation forecast prior to mid February. Sadly weight of snow has caused the roof of one shop in town to collapse, and I saw one collapsed car port (with cars inside) under the dramatic volume of snow. They are not however required, depending upon your comfort level hiking on shallow variable snow, potentially mixed with slushy and icy patches. The first number is the current average total snow depth at that location, followed in parentheses where known by the maximum depth so far this winter immediately following the latest storm sequence on 14th-17th January 2023. The Ernie Maxwell Trail [surveyed 10th January] has minor patches of snow along its entire length, however it is largely clear for long sections, and the remaining snow is rarely icy. My blogging throughout the storms gave more day-to-day detail and is available here. Conversely in places scouring by the wind means the depths are well below the average. With storms accompanied by strong west winds, the slopes above about 9500 ft on the east flanks of San Jacinto and Jean peaks may develop a snow structure with minor to moderate avalanche risk by the weekend of 25th-26th (as last seen on these slopes in early 2017). No longer required at all the San Gorgonio Trailheads - only South Fork, Vivian, and Momyer still require it. The trailhead is reached by turning east off Highway 38 to Forest Falls, then continuing until the road ends at the top and east end of Big Falls Picnic Area. Generally the San Jacinto mountains have just caught the southern edge of these systems, with nothing like the dramatic precipitation being reported from further north. Hikers going above the snow line should carry ice axes and boot spikes and know how to use them. When the gate is closed there are still nine legal parking spaces this side of the locked gate (which still require an Adventure Pass or equivalent to be displayed). The next comprehensive Report update is not expected before Wednesday 18th January. A light overnight snowfall, which produced another three inches in Idyllwild, finally stopped at 0700 this morning. They are strongly recommended on certain moderate and higher angle slopes, at a minimum on the Peak Trail above Wellman Divide, the Wellman Trail, Deer Springs Trail above Little Round Valley, and uppermost South Ridge Trail, and on both flanks but critically on the north face of Tahquitz Peak. On the morning of Friday 6th January, getting an Alpine start, I broke trail the entire way from Humber Park to San Jacinto Peak via Devils Slide, PCT, Wellman, Peak, and East Ridge trails. Snowshoes are no longer required on the established trail system, which is now too compacted for snowshoes. Obviously these depths are expected to change dramatically over the next few days. Note however that snow depth itself is rarely indicative of the difficulty (or otherwise) of hiking a particular trail. This is also the parking area for the Big Falls Trailhead. Snow from the moderate storm on 8th-9th November (summarized here) has been melting steadily at mid elevations but more slowly in the high country given the relative weakness of the sun at this time of year. The average snow depth in this area is only about five inches, but on this slope it is heavily drifted in places at 10-12 inches. The San Bernardino Mountains are unique in that they have an eastwest orientation, making them transverse to the general northsouth orientation of most of California's coastal mountains. These are free and self-issued. There are several campgrounds in and around the area and at several of the trailheads. There were posthole tracks heading south from Saddle Junction toward Chinquapin Flat. Get involved with local programs, from participating in the Cookie Sale and attending Girl Scout camp to registering for in-person and virtual programming on digital storytelling, aviation, and more! Snow depths are expected to change multiple times over the next ten days due to mixed precipitation, including even possibly loss of snow at mid elevations due to rainfall. Momyer trailhead is now open. Snow expected in the high country in the early hours of Wednesday 28th is not expected to be sufficient to obscure some of the higher elevation trails and complicate navigation. With two further minor snowfalls possible in January, and strong winds in the high country expected on some days causing substantial spindrift, tracks broken through the snow may not last long. Both Mt. (909) 382-2682 (Voice) All trails above about 7500 ft remain lightly snow-covered. From the top of Marion, the route is well-traveled but pretty uneven, up into Little Round Valley. Above Little Round Valley in particular my track down from the Peak is very direct, steep, and would be a challenging ascent. 3407 Calle Sin Rival is located in San Clemente, the 92673 zipcode, and the Capistrano Unified School District. It has been a grim winter for search-and-rescue teams. The high-pressure, bright, sunny weather system in recent weeks has created icy conditions with no snow covering it." The Fish Creek Trail is a great route. South Fork camps such as Dry and Dollar Lakes are also filling several weeks in advance. Started by: jack. Currently spikes at a minimum, and ideally crampons, with an ice axe, are strongly recommended. Black Mountain Road also closed on 7th November to vehicle traffic at the gate 1.7 miles up from Highway 243. They are not currently recommended for traversing moderate or higher angle slopes above 9000 ft that have challenging ice underlying powder. Forecast precipitation is currently only a dusting of 1-2 inches of snow at upper elevations, but combined with strong winds this will be sufficient to complicate route-finding. Note that South Ridge Road (5S11) is closed to vehicle traffic. All have been reported to US Forest Service. So we recommend getting your permit in advance! Conversely in places scouring by the wind means the depths are well below the average. ( Baldy. Drive to the parking area at the end of the road and walk uphill through the pinic area on the dirt road to reach the trailhead.There are several other trailheads all of which are located along Highway 38. To the west, along the Pacific Crest Trail, a second team was searching for Ronald Barbour, 69, of La Crescenta, who set out on a combined bike ride and hike Sunday. Spikes are generally not required. We had a Garmin GPS with us and it showed the total round trip mileage from the parking lot where you first start walking, to the top and back, as being a little over 18 miles round trip! South Ridge Trail from the top of South Ridge Road to Tahquitz Peak has a well-traveled track to follow through the very light and patchy 1-3 inches of icy snow. Precipitation has been steady at mid and upper elevations for the past few hours. Official websites use .gov A .gov My track largely followed the established route of the trail, especially below the Fuller Ridge junction, but higher up the track is much more direct in places. Temperatures will be near or generally below seasonal for the next ten days at least. The week from 21st-26th December may be among the warmest on record for the year-end holiday period. Yesterday afternoon we checked Devils Slide trailhead at Humber Park, and measured an average snow depth of 26 inches. My Alpine start meant that all layers remained firm throughout the ascent. A second forecast storm system may bring some light precipitation to the San Jacinto mountains on 2nd December, and possibly again on 4th-5th. It warmed last night to just above freezing below 6000 ft, with a mixture of rain and sleet falling on top of the prior snow, turning it increasingly to wet slush at mid elevations (we measured about 0.25 inch rain in Idyllwild). Above Little Round Valley in particular my track down from the Peak is very direct, steep, and would be a challenging ascent. Due to the difficult nature of the hike, we decided to arrive at the trailhead at 5am to get an early start. Remarkably Tropical Storm Kay did not add any new treefall hazards to this trail. Spikes are not needed yet, but that will change soon with increasing compaction and freeze/thaw cycles. Snow depths are currently suitable for snowshoeing everywhere above about 8000 ft, possibly lower in places. Most of this snow had melted prior to my hike to San Jacinto Peak on 31st December. See closure notice link below for more details. Storm total at San Jacinto Peak is about 14 inches for a current total depth of 36+ inches (but very heavily drifted). Thank you so much for your support. The system was cooler in the early hours of Friday morning, with a dusting of snow to 6000 ft and a covering of icy sleet below that in Idyllwild. ) or https:// means you've safely The holiday weekend had temperatures far above seasonal until Tuesday 27th. Overall, melting is proceeding somewhat faster than expected but this holiday weekend trails will remain very icy. Long Valley (8600 ft) looks to have added about 12 inches since last night. Three periods of cold, cloudy days are now expected over the next ten days, but little if any precipitation.]. "On Mount San Jacinto, the conditions just aren't good for avalanches with the slopes and amount . They are not however required, depending upon your comfort level hiking on shallow variable snow, potentially mixed with slushy and/or icy patches (depending upon time of day). Girl Scout Daisies will earn the Between Earth and Sky Journey. Black Mountain Road also closed on 7th November to vehicle traffic at the gate 1.7 miles up from Highway 243. Portable gas stoves are allowed. Note that generally the maximum depths so far this winter were immediately following the major storm sequence on 14th-17th January 2023 (details of those depths available here).
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