Durham released an official announcement saying he would resign effective at midnight Sunday. The Justice Management Division has completed its review under 28 C.F.R. Before I get to that, let me recap the story we broke here at WeLoveTrump about 3 weeks ago. Thank you! The team argued that he lied because if the F.B.I. Theres more. Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, at a news conference in Washington, D.C., on July 21. And the photos that do exist look very staged and/or edited. In fact, it kind of looks like its meant to be a serious take or to confuse people? But the judge barred Mr. Durham from presenting evidence or arguments along those lines, saying that unless there was proof Mr. Sussmann had reason to doubt the data when it was brought to him, there should not be a time-consuming and largely unnecessary mini-trial to determine the existence and scope of an uncharged conspiracy.. On Thursday, January 20, 2021, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. . After the courts ruling on the conspiracy issue, the senior legal correspondent for the Federalist accused the judge of having let politics trump the law in an effort to protect Democrats and Clinton, who was behind it all. A couple of weeks ago, the Wall Street Journal opinion columnist Holman Jenkins wrote that Durham hardly needs a conviction to have served his country by exposing the truth, and last Friday, his colleague Kimberley Strassel argued that Durham had already accomplished the far bigger goal than convicting Sussmann to put every sleazy collusion player in the hot seat, with ramifications beyond the courtroom., Whatever the outcome of the trial, it is unlikely that political observers on the right will modify their preconceptions about the purportedly nefarious scheming of Clinton operatives. Considering Challenging Biden In Democrat Primary. He just made a video to say hes real!. Douglass Mackey Allegedly Aimed to Depress Black Turnout in Pennsylvania, Release the Kraken: Fox News Revolving Sidney Powell Conspiracy Theory Door. Watch it till the end before you send it to me.its from a Saturday Night Live skit: Well, some of you have sent me some really interesting ideas! ht[BREAK]tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEK9oK02D1M. I actually think it would have been a lot funnier if he actually made it a funny satire piece, but as is its just kind of hard to understand what he was going for. While as President, Trump is free to abrogate the bilateral agreement, there is no indication that this was his intent. Durhams prosecutors presented abundant evidence that Sussmann had falsely told the FBI that he was not working for the Clinton campaign when he peddled spurious information about a supposed Trump-Putin communications back channel. I cant tell if its satire/parody or what. who posts videos online under the name Erik D. Kirk. The defendant is Michael Sussmann, a lawyer who worked at the outside law firm representing the Clinton campaign, and he is facing a single count of lying to the FBIs top lawyer in the run-up to the election in order to instigate a criminal investigation into Trump. White Students Forced to Pledge Allegiance to BLM, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Contributions are received from Glad to see you again. The man who busted Whitey Bulger, the man who was appointed by Barr, the man who many thought was going to take down the Deep State.and not a single video exists. Both cases have connections with the law firm Perkins Coie, where Mr. Sussmann worked then. This may seem counterintuitive, since the judges decision to prevent him from airing his ambitious theory of a Clinton-orchestrated conspiracy should have diminished confidence in his work and in his various assertions. In 1999 he was selected by Attorney General Janet Reno to probe law-enforcement corruption in Boston. Thus, pursuant to International law, he was obligated to protect it which he clearly failed to do. And Durham is gearing up for his last trial: the prosecution of Igor Danchenko, the principal source for the discredited Steele dossier. is above the law! He was born on November 13, 1958 in Durham, CT the son . And in fact, going to the F.B.I. On Monday, attorneys for Sussmann filed a response to the special counsels Friday filing, in which they alleged the special counsel had attempted to create the impression that Sussmann had provided the CIA with data collected from the White House during Trumps presidency despite knowing that data given to the agency dated from the Obama administration. The Department of Justice initially produced budget records responsive to the Judicial Watch lawsuit on June 3, 2022, but redacted the actual budget numbers. In the filing Friday, prosecutors said Tech Executive-1 gave Sussmann data about communications between computer servers at the EOP, two Trump-owned buildings in New York and an unrelated medical firm with Russian-made cellphones near the White House. Election Law Update, Heavy Lifting Ne NYC Cleans Voter Rolls Thanks To Judicial Watch. 600.8(a)(1). Did the FBI end up finding out that Danchenko was not really a Russian asset? The real question is, who invented him and why? Colleagues say Durham is thorough and cautious in deciding whether a case deserves to be prosecuted. We expect there to be testimony from the campaign that, while they were interested in an article on this coming out, going to the F.B.I. Getty Images offers exclusive rights-ready and premium royalty-free analog, HD, and 4K video of the highest quality. It accuses a researcher for the so-called Steele dossier a since-discredited compendium of opposition research about purported links between Mr. Trump and Russia of lying to the F.B.I. For now, we have to hope that Durhams final report will answer that question. The defense argues that Mr. Sussmann was not acting on their behalf at the meeting. in September 2016, when he relayed suspicions about possible cyberconnections between Mr. Trump and Russia. Please share your thoughts about this article below. The Fantasy Island News Network. (Washington, DC) - Judicial Watch announced today that after 16 months, it has finally received 3 pages of budget records from the U.S Department of Justice (DOJ) concerning the operations of the Office of Special Counsel John Durham that show its fiscal year 2022 budget was over $8.5 million. Judicial Watch On Issue: The Battle for Election Integrity, Judicial Watch On Issue: Leading the Battle Against Illegal Immigration, Al Qaeda Plans Plane Attacks Using New Techniques and Tactics as Air Marshals Keep Getting Sent to Mexican Border, Biden staying at St. Croix villa of wealthy donors who got state dinner invite. We've received your submission. Something potentially much more interesting. Ankush Khardori, an attorney and former federal prosecutor, is a Politico Magazine contributing editor. https://www.emptywheel.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Screen-Shot-2017-09-21-at-8.46.52-AM.png, https://www.emptywheel.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Logo-Web.png, John Durham and the First Fight over a Doctored MemCon of Trumps Meetings with Russia. Mr. Durhams team is expected to object to any such constraint. But he suggested that the defense would contend that Mr. Sussmann did not believe he was taking the matter to the F.B.I. Here's the quick summary. That last one should be grabbing our attention. Attorney General Merrick Garland is said to anticipate receiving his final report by the end of the year. The same restrictions pertain to a U.S. president. All rights reserved. I was writing an article about John Durham and his missing "Durham Report". A spokesperson for special counsel Durhams office said the office declines to comment beyond the court filings and any response will be in future filings with the court. John Durham is a low-profile professional thrust into a decidedly high-profile assignment. The F.B.I. Tom Winter is a New York-based correspondent covering crime, courts, terrorism and financial fraud on the East Coast for the NBC News Investigative Unit. One of his partners, Marc Elias, was the general counsel of the Clinton campaign and had commissioned opposition research that led to the Steele dossier. The Trump-era special prosecutor begins his first trial this week, but the verdict hardly matters. Because no one I dont publish conspiracy theories on this website, but I do publish real journalism. But thats not the half of it. The supplemental response includes an unredacted June 30, 2021, memo from Assistant Attorney General Lee Lofthus to Attorney General Garland with the subject line Fiscal Year 2022 Special Counsels Office Budget Request, showing a previously withheld estimated budget of $8,627,629. (function() { var qs,js,q,s,d=document, gi=d.getElementById, ce=d.createElement, gt=d.getElementsByTagName, id="typef_orm", b="https://embed.typeform.com/"; if(!gi.call(d,id)) { js=ce.call(d,"script"); js.id=id; js.src=b+"embed.js"; q=gt.call(d,"script")[0]; q.parentNode.insertBefore(js,q) } })(). At a press conference in October 2000, I asked Durham if he would pursue other compromised FBI agents. Go do your own research, spend 5, 10, 30, 60 minutes trying to find a video of this man and then come back and vote in my poll.. And it goes right to the Clinton campaign. In a statement Monday, Trump said the alleged spying was the biggest story of our time, bigger than Watergate.. No video of the trial, not a single press conference or interview or questions from reporters. But once he fixes on a target, the veteran lawyer usually catches his prey. Whats funny is they often place a whole bank of microphones in his face to plant the idea in your head that the guy is speaking a lot and holding lots of press conferences (yet none exist): Yet, despite all those photos, I cant find a single video of the man actually speaking. He was famous way before Trump and Barr, as the man who reportedly took down Whitey Bulger. Ive never met him. The situation along the southwest border has deteriorated so badly under President Joe Biden that in the last two years an Arizona county about an hour drive from Mexico has seen a Al Qaeda Plans Plane Attacks Using New Techniques and Tactics as Air Mars Hackers Tied to Chinas Govt. Long time lurker, occasional poster, with the exact same comment that the long-timers here are tired of hearing: All FBI agents should carry a portable electronic device with them to all interviews that they KNOW will lead to a 302. ), But supporters of Mr. Trump have rallied around Mr. Durhams narrative, which resonates with Mr. Trumps oft-repeated claim that the entire Russia investigation was a hoax.. August 13, 2020 09:36 PM. In 2008, Attorney General Michael Mukasey tasked . The indictment, however, was rife with allegations suggesting though never outright claiming that the technical analysis was intentionally designed to smear Trump, and that Sussmann willfully participated in an effort to deceive the government in order to help Clinton get elected. The filing was silent on when data collection ended and what time period the data covered; it did not say the collection took place through February 2017 and thus during the Trump presidency. Things picked up last fall. This case represents the opposite of everything the Department of Justice is supposed to stand for. With a name like Whitey? There do exist photos of the man, but the same 4-5 photos is all you will ever find. Andrew Harnik/AP. Editor's note: This story has been updated with additional details throughout. "). We invite you to become a WeLoveTrump insider. Within days, Durhams team filed a non-apology apology with the court in which they tried to distance themselves from third parties or members of the media that have overstated, understated, or otherwise misinterpreted facts alleged in the offices filings. If Durham really were on the verge of exposing the Clinton campaign and vindicating Trump, the trial of Sussmann would seem to provide the long-awaited opportunity to bring all this to a head. The press-shy Connecticut prosecutor was tapped by Attorney General Eric Holder on Aug. 24 to investigate alleged mistreatment of terror suspects by CIA interrogators and contractors. The press-shy Connecticut prosecutor was tapped by Attorney General Eric Holder on Aug. 24 to. And second, it was to get law enforcement to investigate it; and perhaps third, your honor, to get the press to report on the fact that law enforcement was investigating it.. Durham is a longtime federal prosecutor in Connecticut known for leading organized crime and public corruption cases. Just abysmal. We would maybe have ended this thing a lot sooner had he been there originally. And not the face he is reportedly staying on as Special Counsel. By JOSH GERSTEIN. A deep dive into Bill Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham's investigation and the costs entailed. Liberal heads exploding everywhere right now just thinking about it!]. This man reportedly ran the historic Whitey Bulger trial, and no video from that time period either. (Boston Globe, January 7, 2008), "He kind of has blinders on in the sense that he doesn't worry about the politics and all the other stuff that might be swirling around, and I think that's really what makes him so successful." Easy enough to edit and remove those no longer needed. .hustle-ui.hustle_module_id_1[data-id="1"] .hustle-layout .hustle-button-cta {width:100%!important;font-size:18px!important;}.hustle-ui.module_id_1 .hustle-popup-content {max-width: 400px!important;}.hustle-group-content p {font-size:18px!important;margin: 24px 0 0!important;}.hustle-content-wrap{padding-bottom:0!important;}, We may receive compensation from affiliate partners for some links on this site. During the run-up to the 2020 election, both Trump and Barr suggested that Durham would finally unveil dramatic evidence of misconduct within the FBI and Justice Department during the Obama administration, but nothing of the sort happened. But news reports indicate that editors were not ready to run that article, which was being written by the reporter Eric Lichtblau, although the paper published one mentioning Alfa Bank six weeks later. And the more you look, the more weird you realize it is. Prosecutors contend he concealed that a technology executive and the Hillary Clinton campaign were his clients to make the allegations seem more credible. In fact, many of them seem to have spent recent weeks positioning themselves for the possibility of an acquittal. Never spoke to him. You have some people who are great people now patriotic people. The Alfa Bank issue traces back to the spring of 2016, when it came to light that Russia had hacked Democrats. Analysis by Chris . John Durham, Connecticut's top federal prosecutor, has been asked to find out what started the FBI's counter-intelligence, Russia-collusion investigation of President Donald J. Trump's 2016 . The filing doesnot specify whether any of the data collection occurred while Trump was in office. convene a press conference a mere 12 days before the November 7th presidential election to announce that "peace is at hand" in Vietnam. "I also want to recognize and thank the investigators and the prosecution team for their dedicated efforts in seeking truth and justice in this case," he added. Attorney General William Barr said there will be a "development" in U.S. Attorney John Durham's criminal inquiry into the Russia . Acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia hold a press conference to give an update on the investigation into the Capitol Hill riots on . Well, Erik D. Kirk must read WeLoveTrump or someone is forwarding him my articles because he has picked up on the story Ive been covering and realized hes getting some fame! U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Connecticut; Jose Luis Magana/AP. Durham was appointed to serve as Special Counsel for the Department of Justice on October 19, 2020: The Special Counsel is authorized to investigate whether any federal official, employee, or any other person or entity violated the law in connection with the intelligence, counter-intelligence, or law-enforcement activities directed at the 2016 presidential campaigns, individuals associated with those campaigns, and individuals associated with the administration of President Donald J. Trump, including but not limited to Crossfire Hurricane and the investigation of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, Ill. Although Danchenko was the most important source for Steeles explosive allegations against Trump, the FBI did not interview him prior to using Steeles dossier in its first two sworn surveillance applications, in October 2016 and January 2017. According to the DOJ press release, Durham recommended that a full criminal investigation be . Danchenko turns out to have been Steeles principal source for this fever dream. A tech executive exploited his access to computer data at the White House to find derogatory information about President Donald Trump, a special counsel appointed during the Trump administration said in a court filing Friday. Judicial Watch challenged the withheld information, and the DOJ now has re-released the documents without the redactions. It was also unrelated to former special counsel. "You know, I'm not the only person working on this case. Durham, 59, is no stranger to top-level governmental investigations. Although the Special Counsel implies that in Mr. Sussmanns February 9, 2017 meeting, he provided Agency-2 with EOP data from after Mr. Trump took office, said the attorney, the Special Counsel is well aware that the data provided to Agency-2 pertained only to the period of time before Mr. Trump took office, when Barack Obama was President.. In the eight months since Sussmanns indictment, the case has traveled an unusual path even by the standards of politically high-profile prosecutions. In September, Durhams team indicted Sussmann, and in November, they charged a researcher named Igor Danchenko with lying to the FBI about his work on the infamous Steele dossier, in a case that will go to trial in October. According to prosecutors, Sussmann gave the data to an unnamed federal agency at a meeting on Feb. 9, 2017, 20 days into the Trump administration, and said the data demonstrated that Trump and/or his associates were using supposedly rare, Russian-made wireless phones in the vicinity of the White House and other locations.. Why was the investigation closed? Rudie cant fail (no, no) Did Steven DAntuono Make It Easier for Trump to Steal 47 Classified Documents? This is not a video of him speaking, its a still image of him with audio over the top: So it this one, still image with audio over the top: AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ THIS: dont send me this one either. (long time not see) That way, an audio file can be archived with the 302, so that when conflicts occasionally arise about what was actually said, theres a tape of what was actually said. NATIONAL POLL: Do You Believe John Durham Exists And Is A Real Person? Former President Trump and his allies said the disclosure was proof that Trump was under surveillance while he was in office. Wes Durham, Jordan Cornette . Durham loses again in court, but trial airs FBI flaws. "), (Read "Officials Defend CIA's Use of Contractors. To support the emptywheel site, choose the option below that works best for you. meeting with Mr. Baker show that the bureau understood he had one by then. Michael Sussmann (right) is facing a single count of lying to the FBIs top lawyer in the run-up to the election in order to instigate a criminal investigation into Trump, but the investigation led by John Durham (left) has come to represent much more in the public imagination. I have personally searched and searched and still nothing. White House spokeswoman on Monday referred all questions about Special Counsel John Durham's investigation to the Department of Justice . Could Durham run into the same problem in prosecuting Danchenko? While many mainstream writers and outlets have since seemed to generally avoid covering the ins and outs of the Durham case against Sussman perhaps because it has proven difficult to do so without becoming enmeshed in the tendentious and often unresolvable claims of the parties even minute developments have been closely covered by conservative outlets like Fox News, the New York Post, the Federalist, the Washington Examiner and the Epoch Times. Ill wait patiently over here but I know you cant. Hes won it in the court of conservative public opinion. Jeff Head has no business being an umpire. Heres How (and When) To Watch President Trump At CPAC! Reverse the situation. CORRECTION(Feb. 15, 2022, 7:21 p.m. Something potentially much more interesting. But hes supposed to be the smartest and the best, and he works for Bill Barr, who is a great attorney general. Dont you be so crude and feckless The FY 2022 budget estimate is $4,463,525 which, after Office of Management and Budget technical adjustments for the mandatory sequester, totals $4,209,104 in available operational funds. Okay NCAA baseball fans, name an umpire worse than Jeff Head. One person did some great detective work and determined that even the 4-5 photos look rigged: A couple of you both sent me this message, which is very weird: Up above you can see I posted a video by an actor (comedian?) The Justice Management Division has completed its review under 28 C.F.R. Most of his videos are parodies or comic sketches. Then returned to Connecticut to join the State's Attorney's office. Were US Rail Workers Instructed to Bypass Railcar Safety Inspections? "), (Read "The U.S. Prison for Iraq's Worst. Dec 5, 2020. The case against Sussmann was curious from the start, because it was apparent that Durhams team was less interested in a discrete misrepresentation to the FBI during a single meeting than it was in the broader and arguably unseemly opposition research work of the Clinton campaign, its lawyers and the investigative firm Fusion GPS. If the investigation has revealed anything of note, it is just how secondary the law has come to be in politically-charged prosecutions like this one. The suspicions, which involved internet traffic with Russias Alfa-Bank, were later determined to be unfounded. In the original indictment, the FBI was presented as the victim of a crime, not the Trump campaign. officials had opened that investigation on other grounds, and the special counsel who completed the inquiry, Robert S. Mueller III, did not rely on either in his final report. When you type in the name of a website like Google.com, Graham said, DNS will translate it to a specific IP address and a specific group of servers. 10/18/2022 04:32 PM EDT. (Despite much hype, Durhams prosecutors were eventually forced to concede that there was no indication that the lawyers misrepresentation actually affected the investigation, while the sentencing judge said that the lawyer was simply saving himself some work rather than trying to mislead the presiding surveillance court.). Mr. Baker is expected to be a primary prosecution witness. At its core, the Special Counsel is bringing a false statement charge based on an oral statement allegedly made five years ago to a single witness that is unrecorded and unobserved by anyone else. The big picture: So far, the only criminal conviction produced by Durham's investigation was against a low-level former FBI lawyer, who was sentenced to 12 months' probation after pleading guilty to altering an email used to obtain a surveillance warrant on Trump campaign aide Carter Page. That probe led to the conviction of retired FBI agent John Connolly Jr., sentenced to 10 years in prison for helping the two avoid prosecution. That allegation led to a four-month FBI inquiry into a possible internet backchannel between the Trump Organization and the Kremlin-linked Alfa Bank. of budget records from the U.S Department of Justice (DOJ) concerning the operations of the Office of Special Counsel John Durham that show its fiscal year 2022 budget was over $8.5 million. Heres another piece to the puzzle that starts to make this look even more strange. Im happy to be proven wrong, Im not saying this is some huge, massive conspiracyunless it is? At the request of then-Attorney General Reno, investigated whether notorious Boston mobsters James "Whitey" Bulger and Stephen "The Rifleman" Flemmi had corrupted the FBI agents whom they served as informants. Ok, were talking John Durham right now but maybe not for the reason you think. The annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) made one thing especially clear this week: This is former President Trump's convention. A registered Republican, though he's worked under both parties and associates say he keeps politics out of his work. The right has generally held Durham up as a sort of anti-Mueller an aggressive, independent prosecutor that they happen to like because they believe that he is providing a crucial legal corrective to the supposed mistreatment of Trump and those in his orbit at the hands of the Mueller team and the liberal media. Shoulda masked for your future (ah-ah-ah) FITTON: #TwitterFiles EXPOSE FBI & CIA Election Interference! The rest of us are at that level. The big picture: So far, the only criminal conviction produced by Durham's investigation was against a low-level former FBI lawyer, who was sentenced to 12 months' probation after pleading guilty to altering an email used to obtain a surveillance warrant on Trump campaign aide Carter Page. I hope that some day in the future we will reach this height of technological prowess. Notes of a March 2017 F.B.I. "CPAC is long gone. The defense has also subpoenaed Mr. Lichtblau, who is no longer at The Times, to testify. Under the circumstances, Durham has, in a perverse sense, already won that second trial of a non-crime that he wont be presenting this week. So I guess maybe hes just mocking the whole story, I cant tell. Sussmanns attorneys told the court, This is not the first time in this case that the Special Counsel has sought to include allegations about uncharged conduct in public filings and done so using inflammatory and prejudicial rhetoric., In a statement, a spokesperson for Joffe said, Contrary to the allegations in [the special counsels] recentfiling, Mr. Joffe is an apolitical internet security expert with decades of service to the U.S. Government who has never worked fora political party, and who legally provided access to DNS data obtained from a private client that separately was providing DNS services to the Executive Office of the President (EOP)., Joffes spokesperson said that under the terms of his contract, the data could be accessed to identify and analyze any security breaches or threats., As a result of the hacks of EOP and [Democratic National Committee] servers in 2015 and 2016, respectively, there were serious and legitimate national security concerns about Russian attempts to infiltrate the 2016 election, the spokesperson said. texas congressman louie gohmert says at a press conference with freedom caucus members calling . Perhaps most notable among the twists and turns of the investigation was the conservative media frenzy that followed a peculiar filing by Durhams team in February. Is this all John Durham has? White Students Forced to Pledge Allegiance to BLM, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. IE 11 is not supported. It also does notallege that the content of any communications from the Executive Office of the President (EOP) or any parties were compromised or read and theres no indication data collection went beyond identifying where the internet traffic came from and where it went. You can tell me this guy is a private guy and likes to keep a low profile, but Im sorry I just dont buy that not one single video of the man exists, not even b-roll of him walking into a courthouse or something. Simply put, its this: have you ever actually seen a video of John Durham speaking? Youll see news anchors talking about John Durham with a still image of his face up on the screen.but nothing else. Thanks for contacting us. A strong conspiracy case usually involves the testimony of a key insider who can verify the governments theory and narrate events from within the group explaining how various, ostensibly distinct pieces of evidence fit into a coherent whole and how the disparate actions of participants served a singular objective. WASHINGTON When the Trump administration assigned a prosecutor in 2019 to scour the Russia investigation for any wrongdoing, President Donald J. Trump stoked expectations among his supporters that the inquiry would find a deep state conspiracy against him. Monitoring such traffic reveals only that one computer or server is trying to reach another, he said, not the contents of a persons screen or messages. Both companies denied a connection, and the FBI eventually closed the investigation. Michael Sussmann, a lawyer whose firm represented the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2016, was acquitted of a felony charge of lying to the FBI on Tuesday. When it comes to perpetuating that narrative, whether or not the jury ultimately rules in his favor, Durham has effectively already won.
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