I say that you have tasted the appetizers. As Paul was busy going about his own affairs, even so many of us were minding our own business when God stepped in with His call. It means being able to say, Surely goodness and mercy will follow me pursue me all the days of my life. There will not be one day neither the day of my delight nor the day of my death when mercy does not track me down and make me a vessel for his blessing. New American Standard Bible Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. Instead of us choosing a pastor that is saved, we choose a look, we chose a school, or we chose a puppet that will be used only when called upon. People Listen In Different Wayscan You Reach All Of Them. Test yourself to see if you are in Christ: Mercy produces mercy and receives mercy again. God has chosen us to carry His message to . There will be a process!). I think the focus here is on being prepared for Gods glory, not our glory (though that too is part of our hope Romans 8:30). Those chosen by God are often surrounded and supported by an unseen power that guides them in the right direction. When you know that God is the One who called and sent you, there is a trust that God will provide. I want to do something and accomplish something great. To you I would say two simple things: first, beware how you speak about those who praise the glory of God; and second, in all of history the people who have seen the glory of God most, accomplish most for this world. rudy restaurant toronto. 1. . (Psalms 124:7-8). Love is the only context in which Spiritual gifts can fulfil God's purpose in the church . Jew and Gentile! Thanks, Hello Victory (Is that your real name? If you believe that Christ Jesus died for your sinand you have received His work of salvationyou are holy. The point of using that word the word for wealth and riches is to awaken in us a sense that our inheritance in God is infinitely greater than the greatest riches on earth. Nothing about being a chosen vessel is in a vacuum- it's all related to this one cause. And the apostle Paul, who was not even five feet tall, might have been even tougher. We relish the thought of being used by God. You will never walk in your purpose as you should without acknowledging the reality of this war. God reaches into darkness, establishes vessels there, and shines, also meeting the lost wherever they are. . (Romans 1:18, 23). Are you critical of yourself? But God worked through a person to bring someone to faith. I tell you Pastor Streeter was chosen to lead Mt. The apostle Pauls life teaches us five things we need to accept about being a chosen vessel. I really like how you include your thought life when it comes to pleasing God. Your emptiness inside can be filled to the brimbut you must believe it, seek it, and allow it. It is used in every day service, doing what it was designed to do: pour out, be refilled, and pour out again. 2017-2023 Rebecca L Matthews. (1 Kings 17:4,9). Your email address will not be published. ~Andrea & Ken. If you read your bible, you would find many men, that God used to lead His people. Staying conscious of the fact that you are a carrier of the Life-giving, Living Water is essential for the fulfillment of your purposeHis purposefor you. I may not get to meet any of them, but I can share the comfort of God with them through intercession. God has numbered your days and will fulfill every purpose He has for you. Gods chosen vessels are used for specific, intentional, and targeted pouring. But some kind of discomfort is part of Gods purpose for His servants. In other words, because the riches of glory are infinite it will take ages for us to know it fully eternal ages! A quick look through the Old Testament reveals to us how God has always used His chosen vessels to bring forth His prophetic purposes. 1. All of that is good, but we also like to hide from the idea that affliction is a part of the calling. All the riches of Gods glory are in him. You see a good shepherd pay close attention to the little things, he knows when one of the sheep is missing, he knows when they are sick with parasites, he knows the sheep by name and they know his voice, in discipline he even know the right amount of force to use with his stave. The text speaks of God's chosen ones as being "vessels." Dont let the state in which God calls you prevent you from graciously accepting it, humbly saying yes, and obediently yielding to the process that will prepare you for it. We need to combine the message of the Bible with actions so that we are a relevant church in this time. He said these riches are immeasurable: In the coming ages he [will] show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:7). Note how Isaac was an ordinary man with ordinary problems: A. Translation: Miss, I dont even want to get married let alone to marry a Pastor! 2023Released to FlyAll rights reserved, Powered byWPDesigned with the Customizr theme, "Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. What Does the Book of Job Teach Us About the Sovereignty Why Could Jesus Do No Miracles in Nazareth? The suffering of the world is a common suffering. Many are called . Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. He is able to testify of a reality that the world does not understand- the possibility of peace in the storm; weeping with hope; comfort in suffering. Then, we became tenants for three years. Read the thirty-eighth verse: "For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.". Right on the road to Damascus with a letter in hand against the Lord! Naketa, you are so right, that is for God to know. In the Masters hand, you were planned and designed. But the true shepherd knows that the sheep does not belong to him, so he have to take extra care in dealing with the sheep. Everything about being a chosen vessel is wrapped up in this truth (besides the fact that we were created for God's pleasure, Revelation 4:11). This is the ultimate purpose of God for your existence, verse 23: to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy. Oh, how I plead with you, let this sink into your heart. Theme: You are a chosen vessel of Christ. Then I said to them, You are holy to the Lord, and the utensils are holy; and the silver and the gold are a freewill offering to the Lord God of your fathers. Many people value their characters by some of their deeds that shows that they can be trust . The Ark of the Covenant is the vessel Noah used to save his family and all the animals from the flood. . (2 Corinthians 12:7). Romans 1:1 says - "Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an . We even admire those who we see the Lord using and enjoy being fed by what God pours out through them. I plead with you: dont throw your life away. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Not many Christians have paid adequate attention to the fact that we are vessels of God. Daily submission (to both God and my husband) takes daily death to self. But when we face a principality in prayer, we can rejoice when we look back at the painful tests we have passed. Look what He chose a lowly shepherd boy. And the best place to get your heart tuned is at the cross of Jesus Christ. I dare not give you the impression that this is easy. Our spiritual life from God's perspective is a life of fulfilment, a life of victory, a life of abundance, and a life of prosperity. You can selectively provide your consent below to allow such third party embeds. For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. pinkberry gossip girl. Your email address will not be published. It is only God who can power you for His gospel. God doesnt want a stationary vessel with a haphazard spillage all over the place. Stripes, prisons, beatings and perils galore were among the apostles afflictions. Since God's purpose according to His choice will stand, we must submit and commit ourselves to His purpose if we want His blessing. But when a chosen vessel steps out, he or she goes not in his or her name, but in the name of the One who came and interrupted that life for His purpose. According to Genesis 6:9, This man was a just man and perfect in his generations, and walked with God. The idea that God orders and controls everything is simply not acceptable to man. Trust Him in the process. This is a trust you display in spite of what you see in front of you. Similarly, Mary was God's chosen vessel to bring the incarnate Messiah into the world. God continually brought prophets to exhort His people to repent and turn back to Him. May God richly bless you and keep you. For the enemy knows who they are and the vision of God they carry within their heart. And verse 72 said So he fed them according to the integrity of his heart, The NIV said of this text And David shepherded them with the integrity of heart,. God again calls Israel his chosen nation. The Bible is clear that as the Sovereign of the universe, God uses even evil people for His righteous purposes. It would mark you as a vessel of wrath. ~Andrea, Am inspired, as an Evangelist I need more of GOD pls, I want to be a missionary. Nothing is wasted, like the fragments of bread gathered . In Acts 9:15, God said, "But the Lord said to him, 'Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel'." And this chosen one of God. dua to make someone love you like crazy. God bless you. We had to pay rent, utilities, and buy groceries for the whole family. But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour (2 Timothy 2:19-20). Sheep had no sense of direction, so they needed to be led, sheep would eat grass down to the rocks then would eat the rock and parasites, that is why they need fresh graving grass. Pursue that with all your heart and above all else. The Bible talks a lot about literal vessels in the Old Testament, which were set apart for special use in the house of the Lord. Gods purpose is not to be known as glorious and then exchanged for images. But in truth, even the most gorgeous, shapely, bejeweled, most-adored vesselif it has no purposejust sits on a shelf, empty and unused. God considered Saul His chosen vessel long before there appeared anything worthy in Saul to choose. For tickets and more info call sis Mauriceline Jones 317-397-5914 or Elder Michael Woods. Those chosen by the LORD our God to do His work must also live a life of showing strength, courage and integrity by the power of the Holy Spirit living within. It is therefore something to be surrendered to, rather than to be resisted. He uses Satan and the demons, even . We find a synopsis of this prophecys fulfilment in 2 Corinthians 11:23-27. Elijah declared a famine in Israel and guess what? The vessel of mercy is very similar to the vessel of honor. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. God is God and He works all things, including your life, according to his purposes. Have you ever admired anything? He is still with me and is still consoling, comforting and strengthening me. And what is more, I get to share that same comfort I get from God with others who are going through their afflictions! But God in His great wisdom has chosen to use people to reach people. So many of the messages we receive from the world are that we must be good-looking, well-liked, successfulanything to make us look good for show. These are intricately intertwined, and it is important to approach our need for guidance in the present world, which seem so urgent, in the context of God's larger purposes. Instead of quickly and harshly criticizing another of Gods chosen vessels, I find myself groaning when I hear of their fall to sin or of their struggle with various afflictions. 1. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. I Him to use me mightily, pls help me. Dont limit yourself! H. A new purpose and direction in life in line with God's sovereign will is a mark of true conversion. By mercy, because in our rebellion we didnt deserve to be awakened and opened and subdued to God. Gabriel says to Mary: "Hail, thou art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among . Only the Lord Himself knows which vessels are holyset apart for Himas He is the one who purchased them. When his heart was lifted up because of his beauty (v 17), his ambition grew to the point of desiring to be like God (Isaiah 14:14) culminating in a war against God (Revelation 12:7). For mercy, because every enjoyment that we will ever have, forever and ever, will be a merciful enjoyment. You were made to know the riches of the glory of God. Qualities of God's chosen vessel/ who is a chosen vessel of God (The Person God uses) 2Timothy 2:21 says 'If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work'. Here are a few other posts that may encourage you. Survive the anointing by calling on God. Jesus said that Saul, who was an enemy to His message initially, was a chosen vessel to reach many people. . After his conversion Paul spent some days with the Christians in Damascus. 5:1-6; . It's your choice to choose to embrace . 9:21, 23). It reminds me of Ernie Fields, who had a puppet named Cockroach that spoke only when Ernie spoke for him. I no longer feel that way about being mad, thankfully. 29 But she was greatly troubled at his words, and said to herself, What may be . It is not to say that they did not know how to choose a leader even though they cried out for and was happy with Saul as their king. God Chooses the Nation of Israel. In fact, those who do not know any better are easily fooled by Holy-looking people. We all start off in sin and God knows it. The Vessel of Mercy. The Bible answers this question in Ezekiel 28:11-17, and offers a similar explanation in Isaiah 14:12-15. After Jesus returned to God, He came back and revealed Himself to Saul, a persecutor of Christians. Youll find a devout pagan like Abraham; a farm hand like Moses; a shepherd boy like David; a fisherman like Peter; a tent maker like Paul; and if that is not enough we would find a carpenter like Jesus, and the thing that should stand out in our minds is that God Himself chose them all. Look what He chose a lowly shepherd boy. Have you ever sat in front of a warm fire? Psalm 57:2 says, "I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me." This is key in understanding God's purpose for your life. In 2 Corinthians 1:3-5, the same Paul who went through stoning and imprisonments offers a surprising testimony. It should be a great encouragement to us that God has chosen us, given us mercy and grace, and no matter how much we do not deserve His love, He has loved us and made us His workmanship designed to fulfill His purpose. His mercies will be new every morning. God's Ultimate Purpose: Vessels of Mercy Knowing the Riches of His Glory, John Piper is founder and teacher of desiringGod.org and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. Today's Verse: But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: ~Acts 9:15 What comes to your mind when you hear the word "vessel?" In the Bible, the word "vessel" implies something similar to a vase or utensil. Many discover the call on their life, and are obedient to God's will while others ignore the call. But looking at this list of God chosen men, I wonder how many of them would qualify to pastor a church today. The angel Gabriel is sent to a young virgin who is engaged to marry Joseph, of the house of David. Finding Your Place in This World: The Rest of the Story Part 1, Obedience to God: Knowing Him Enough to Trust Him, Pursue Your Enemy: Be More Than a Conqueror, Lord, Send Me. Your Life Within the Labyrinth, Every Morning: Renewing the Newness in You, Your Faith in Action: The Power of an Endless Life, Until That Day of Christ Jesus: Stand Your Ground. He can take someone who has been an enemy to us and transform them into a vessel to accomplish His purposes. But we need to grow in faith and obedience. The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth. A vessel is not a fountain-it is not a creator of the water-but a container and holder of that which is poured intoit. There is a war between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness. Watch the video above or here for Rebeccas full message on Gods Chosen Vessel. You are His Chosen Vessel. Paul had an advantage over some of us, though, because at least God told him he would suffer! We catch a glimpse of this mystery unfolding in Revelation 12:7, And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels. That is what it means to be a vessel of mercy. "And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory" - Romans 9:23. Is Yoga Bad for a Christian? Posted on September 21, 2020 by Sabbath School Lesson. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy (Matthew 5:7). But to whom do I owe this empathising ability? God allowed Saul to rise up in opposition to Jesus way. . He was "a chosen vessel." The story of Paul and his conversion reminds us that each of us is special to God. The servant now speaks, declaring his purpose and reciting what the Lord told him. 3. Jonah, instead of going to Nineveh, runs from God by sailing in the opposite direction. In 1 Timothy 1:15, Paul calls himself a chief of sinners. Not one day without the accumulated weight of old glories ripening in memory, and the thrill of new glories breaking on our sight every day. Mary's part, like that of Israel, was not easy. The suffering of the world is comfortless; the suffering that comes with obedience to the call, purpose and will of God comes with consolation. Moses had all of the right characteristics and was the perfect fit as a leader. You think God made a mistake Have you not read, have you not heard He knew you before you were in the womb He formed every bone, ligament, every limb You're judging the Master Craftsman The . Also King Cyrus brought out the articles of the house of the Lord, which Nebuchadnezzar had carried away from Jerusalem and put in the house of his gods; Within two years I am going to bring back to this place all the vessels of the Lords house, which Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon took away from this place and carried to Babylon. A place where His voice can be recognized and heard again, a place where His . Humanly speaking, Saul was not a likely candidate for salvation. Every desire is either a devout or a distorted enticement to the glory of heaven. Ezra 8:28 Verse Concepts We receive so few comments here, I find myself checking less and less. Love is the only context in which Spiritual gifts can fulfil God's purpose in the church . I am blessed to be afflicted because I get with it an equivalent level of consolation. Home; Products; About Us. To save items to a SermonFolder, please sign in to your account. If we look back or look around us, we have seen, and some of us have even experienced, suffering in non-Christian circles. The root word of this word stresses a mind-set which keeps an expectant attitude. God Chose David to Fight Goliath. When the psalmist says, The heavens are telling the glory of God (Psalm 19:1), it does not mean that sunrises and sunsets are the glory of God. Im praying that God will lead me in what His purpose is for my life. God's purpose in verse 23 is "to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory." As a Christian, you are a vessel of mercy. We are also told in the parable that God would cause us to hear his voice, "There". God does everything with that particular purpose in mind. It begins with trusting in God's directions for a new life in Christ. Christians talk about men being God's creatures or men becoming God's people. Today, find a quiet place where you can gaze upon the face of the Lord. The Servant's Message (49:1-4) The servant begins by calling for the world to listen to him. Having been cast to the earth, the Devil continues to fight, but his opposition is not leveled at God directly. God is sovereign; what He says, He will do. Robin, Thanks for your comment. My fellow laborers of the kingdom, it is getting harder to identify those who lead the Church of God. By calling Paul a vessel, Jesus declared that it was not Paul's abilities or status but God's power that enabled him to do the . and 20 gold bowls worth 1,000 darics, and two utensils of fine shiny bronze, precious as gold. That is what you were made for. Scripture: I struggled between choosing to go where I knew God was leading me, versus wanting to please my parents and trying not to feel rejected by them. It is a special hug. You may sometimes feel like God imposed Himself on you and now has you suffering for it. -2 Timothy 1:9 [NLT] It's a great privilege to be saved and called by the God of all creation. But God in His great wisdom has chosen to use people to reach people. Regence Bcbs Oregon Timely Filing Limit, You are lifted up and put in position. If you are born again by receiving Christ Jesus as your Savior, then you are one of Gods chosen vessels. In this book Rebecca provides a road other women can follow in helping to restore the black family to a biblical foundation." From the Foreword by Dr. John M. Perkins "Chosen Vessels gripped my heart like no . Both Paul and Timothy in our reading today are fine . But I have realize that it is nobodies fault . southern spain temperature by month Nothing in us was the decisive influence on God to make it happen. For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name's sake." Thats the nature of the call: God takes us out of the kingdom of darkness, drafts us into His kingdom of light, then uses us to fight against that kingdom out of which He took us. Finally, He prompted Saul to step out, shining through him and reaching many who wouldnt have otherwise been saved. (NKJV). Saul (also known as Paul) later testified before many, including kings, that Jesus was the Christ. . God has chosen the base (common, or cast aside), instead of the self-assured. I now have a compassion and deeper sense of understanding for any ministers wife who is in my position. Then He formed a powerful and intimate relationship with him. That's the mission - we need to go where people are, rather than calling them to where we are.
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