/breakupinactivity - Allows you to break up with your partner if they have been offline for 14 days. The following are valid hospital IDs: Example usage: /er 25 2 60 MVA OR /er 25 Sandy 60 MVA, Carbine Rifle MK2 & Standard issue weapon loadout for PD / SO / SP, Carbine Rifle & Standard issue weapon loadout for PD / SO / SP, Carbine Rifle MK2 & Standard issue weapon loadout for Ranger, Carbine Rifle & Standard issue weapon loadout for Ranger. /vneon - Toggles the neon on your car, if it exists. If you want to view messages from the console without opening it, you can use this command. /cancelcontract [NUMBER] - Cancels the contract on the given number. /setbetstep [50-1000] - Allows the host to increase bet amount each turn. Registers the vehicle you're currently in to your active character. crossarms2 pushup dj Hands up and cancelling emote. Another command that regular users cant use. This allows you to use the client console outside of the game. Emotes / Animations for fiveM with Prop support. /help - Brings up an interaction menu with a lot of sections that provide you details about commands, interaction etc. There, therethings will be ok. You smell the air around you. User command codes are usable by anyone navigating in the client console. cop3 You surrender before %s. idledrunk /skipturn [ID/PartOfName] - Skips the turn of a player forcing them to fold in case they are AFK, crashed or game is taking too long to move forward. /stashinfo [TEXT] - Adds information onto the current stash info. You let everyone know you'll be right back. Allows you to load in TXDs and drawables via an graphical interface. /interview - Broadcasts an interview with another person to everyone that has /joinnews enabled. sitdrunk /cellinfo - Gives you information about your cell. ), ALT-8: Send GPS ping for backup request to those on duty. Shows a listing of streaming memory used by specific streaming assets, as well as a global overview. shrug2 These files get large, so this command should be used sparingly. /anchor - Anchors your boat and holds it in position (client-side apparently). ((Rowan Smith))), /my [TEXT] - Roleplay command (example: /my hands are tied would appear as Rowan Smith's hands are tied). variables that have been set by using the set, sets and seta commands. How long it takes to get a response from the server (round trip time). Can be purchased from hardware store (wrench icon). These are only available through DoEmote, for example DoEmote("GOODLUCK"). /stats - Displays your stats which contains a lot of information like - Money, Bank, Total Assets, Businesses you're employed with, Job, Playtime, Owned Properties, Owned phone number, Furniture and Outfit slots, Donator status. Shows streaming memory usage per streaming assets. /dmute - This will mute an active recording device. bun and lowbun are restricted to female characters. no2 Press E to enter Weazel News mode or M to enter Movie Mode. /highlightcolour [COLOUR] - Changes the color of /highlight command - needs to be hexcode. giving you unlimited options for commands, setting up packages and even creating extra web pages. So you can use other keys to perform different actions. /admins - See the list of on/off-duty admins online. dance5 /inmates - A command restricted to to PD/SD. This command can be issued either from the f8 console or the chat. fallover3 Carbine Rifle MK2 & Standard issue weapon loadout for LEO with Beanbag Shotgun. This command will show any incoming/outgoing event traffic. /movemenu [X OFFSET] [Y OFFSET] - Changes the position of interaction menu on your screen. hug2 /removecontact [NUMBER] - Removes a contact from your phone using the arguments phone number. Tests if a principal is allowed or denied access to a given object. /phoneon - Turns on your NON-CEF phone(Nokia) - To turn on CEF phones, double click the round button below the screen display. /setslot [SLOT] - This is to change your radio slot. Emote Command Anim Voice No Target Text Targeted Text /absent: You look absent-minded. (Police, EMS, and Mechanic only). /helpme [TEXT] - This command is to be used when you need to ask a question to the Staff Support Team of GTA:W. Whatever you type here, goes to the helpers and they will then respond in due time with an appropriate answer. /unloadcrate - Use this command to unload a crate from the back of a vehicle. Provide your information and the message will be sent to the admin team who will set an actual physical fire for you. Showing the single result. . /pickupcrate - At a supplier's location, use this command to receive a crate. You must be at the door of the property to trigger the sale. /vmenu - Opens an interaction menu to show you various vehicle options like neon, locking, hood, trunk etc. Example usage: /makelobby 6 no (makes a lobby of 6 players with no table). /inv - Opens your inventory and displays all items in a text form. Cancel Create The net_statsFile is a command to store the metrics of the network usage/behaviour of the FiveM client. Same as /createscene but lasts multiple days (days: between 0 to 7). Use the command again to unload the vehicle. wait5 flip2 You grovel before %s like a subservient peon. You need to type a business or a property name for it to navigate you there. Folded Hands. Toggle flashlight staying on even while not aiming. Copy to clipboard. /unrent|/stoprent - Stops renting the motel room you're currently renting. wait2 There is a large list in the in-game drop down menu but I am pretty sure there is a decent amount not listed in it. Alternatively use the "X" menu. /ctrunk - Places a corpse in the trunk of a vehicle. Oh the drudgery! airplane Lists all the aces (access control entries) in the console. /niners - This gets a responding list and a button to respond or cancel your response. 500+ Emotes280+ Dances130+ Props25+ . If you have a roleplay server on FiveM, check out the products on our script- and mapshop! /togww - Switch between the native GTA5 weapon wheel and the custom GTA World weapon wheel. /enter or Press Y - Enter a property, business or an interior. /id [PartOfName] - Tells you the ID of a player. The variables are saved in %AppData%\CitizenFX\fivem.cfg and %AppData%\CitizenFX\redm.cfg. cheer whistle2 /fixloc - Fixes your character in an interior, teleporting you back to the entrance if it bugs out. /removekey [tenantID] or /kicktenant [tenantID] - Removes the target player's access to your property. Press F7 to completely remove all HUD. When playing in single-player modes, you can adjust the game music volume using this code. crossarmsside These commands can be used with the client console, which you can open by pressing F8. /attributes - Brings up a CEF menu where you can modify your character's age and attributes. /sdl [ID/PartOfName] - Shows driver license to the target player. wait6 Unbinds and emote from a key (num4, num5, num6, num7. sunbathe All this information will be stored in a file, using a CSV format. /gps [TEXT] - Makes a waypoint marker at destination of your choice. This is displayed to other players when they use /examine on you. For example: "/me losing blood" would show up as a text on your character as "losing blood" and would display to the characters near you /help - displays all the emote commands. Below are a list of clothing commands to remove/wear your clothing back. leanhigh Toggles the vehicle UI (fuel / speedometer). Fires can be created, edited, deleted, teleported to or extinguished if active while in-game with the admin panel. can be executed using a specific command that can be pressed during in-game. guard /ooc I'm cuffed in the prison! By using this code, the client console will be automatically disconnected from theFiveM game dedicated serverand go back to the main menu option. This is a temporary key access, you will have to create another every time they relog or the car respawns. /openbusiness - Opens your business, allowing you to get the government bonus of $1,000 per person that enters your store, added into your Business Manager. Another variety of bind code where an input [1] can be executed using a specific command that can be pressed during in-game. Maybe %s has some food You clap vigorously for %s, clearly impressed. cloudgaze2 These emote commands can also be used in macros. This command is used near the vehicle you want to tow. This is all about how to bind emotes on Fivem . adjust: airguitar: airplane: airsynth: argue / argue2: backpack: Hand and arm actions can be done before and after Races, Deathmatches, Last Team Standings and Versus Missions. /setfrequency [SLOT] [FREQUENCY] - Join a radio frequency. /preload - Reloads players when they enter. /helpup [ID/PartOfName] - Allows you to pick-up a wounded player assuming they don't have any fatal injuries. Costs $350 and is broadcasted to #ic-advertisements on Discord. streaming certain items, for example when the world stops loading. Contribute to rwain69/FiveM-Dances development by creating an account on GitHub. fishdance musician ok jog5 /feedplant - Spill a water bottle on the plant. cpr /vw - Roll down or up a window that you're sitting beside. smell salute2 danceupper2 REMEMBER TO ROLEPLAY EVERYTHING. /melong [TEXT] - Same function as /me but is shown to players at a shouting distance. warmth You can load local resources using this command code for a single-player game. idle6 wave9 /rolldown : Rolls down the closest window. fallover The default value is 50, minimum is 1 and maximum is 200 per second. Sets the music volume for the game when connected to a network game. /examine [ID/PartOfName] - It shows the attributes the target player has set so you can roleplay accordingly. t2 /stashinfo clear - Removes all of the stash infos set. Tier 3 Only. mindblown2 This is an internal development tool meant to show commands. Generate all access control entries within the console. You let %s know you are thirsty. /wireaccept - This will accept a wire request. Note that the video is missing the request part, usually the other player would have to accept the emote like this. This guide was written for the REDRUM Roleplay FiveM server. stumble On any update channel, by launching the FiveM/RedM client using the. /vscrap - 'Scraps' (sells) your vehicle off for 20% of the vehicle's value. foldarms nervous You let everyone know that you are tired. Enables or disables the client frames-per-second counter in the screen corner. type4 Example [PartOfName] means you do not have to enter the full name of an individual for the command to execute. Find business ID from UCP. hammer you can also do It with the sit on floor emote lol get close to the locked door do the emote then x to get back up and your free lol. Puts a microphone in your hand. To sign up for REDRUM Roleplay, click here. /r(slot) [TEXT] - Lets you use multiple slots on the flow without having to use /setslot everytime. wine bumbin You look at %s and cover your face with your palm. They must be close to you and others cannot see this message. sit3 It will also output the radio Details: FiveM Emote s is a basic emote script made for FiveM with customizable emote s and chat messages in the cl.lua. /niners - This will open a list of recent 911 calls with the ability to set a GPS marker, see responding units and mark yourself as responding, marking yourself as responding automatically updates the character's status. would appear as Rowan Smith smiles to the beggar as he offers him some food. A channel name is the text inside the colored box next to a console message. Minimum bet is the minimum bet a player must make and maximum bet is the maximum bet a player can make. So fierce! /scuba - Allows you to get infinite breathing/air if you have a scuba mask on. Sets the current Area of Patrol in-game and in CAD. be unstable and lead to issues including the game being unable to launch. All of the following commands apply to that character and you must select a character within 2 minutes of joining the server or you will be automatically kicked. /bmaxcomp - Sets a maximum amount of components that your business will accept, from 15.000 to 1.000.0000 components. /withdraw - Opens an interactive menu to withdraw money. To check weapon ID, type /inv or press "I" and access "Inventory" option and then go to "Equipped Weapons" or type /weapons. sitsad cigar2 stretch3 guitar3 /me [TEXT] - Roleplay command (example: /me smiles to the beggar as he offers him some food. rbind . I have this problem in which when I play on fivem servers I always average around like 40 to 60 fps going up and down consistently and it doesnt even change that much when I max out the graphics or play on normal. There are not that many emotes with props, as i havent found a way to easily figure out prop positioning, if anyone has any tips on how to do that easily, i would love to know. Personally, I think Ill be switching to this one given the extra amount of animations and the simply ability of adding the hotkey options - though I will miss the prop spawn things that Trundles has.
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