Por: La Jornada . What can he say in court? Esta bien chaka. Washington, Estados Unidos / 02.03.2023 15:34:00. . Tell me why we smashed some so called zetas in prison (texas department of corrections) they ain't shit without their guns so stfu man Scottish zeta never gets old, unlike 006 on the other hand. This character is allegedly emerging as the successor of "El Mencho", as there is evidence that the recent acts of violence that have occurred in the region have been ordered directly by him. Cinco de ellas en Puerto Vallarta o cerca de esta ciudad del oeste de Mxico: Servicios Administrativos Fordtwoo -sealada por haber realizado pagos directos a miembros del CJNG-, Integracion Badeva, JM Providers Office, Promotora Vallarta One y Recservi. Sin embargo, el desafo no ha resultado slo contra el grupo criminal antagnico, sino contra todo el pas. (CJNG) particip en el ataque . El corrido que compusieron Los Nuevos Ilegales, es para este Doble R or ser otro? alias "El 03 lder de la clula de Jalisco en Michoacn, Guanajuato y Zacatecas y "El Doble R", lugarteniente en Michoacn. violence. Cuatro militares son procesados por su presunta responsabilidad en la ejecucin de . The nukes are coming; CJNG will be bringing them. Duuuude. Autoridades de Estados Unidos impusieron sanciones econmicas contra ocho empresas mexicanas por estafar a ciudadanos estadunidenses dueos de viviendas de tiempo compartido en beneficio del crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin, anunci el Departamento . "El 03 creci criminalmente al amparo del lder principal del CJNG. Local authorities and media are reporting multiple road blockades, burning vehicles, and shootouts between Mexican security forces and unspecified criminal elements in various parts of the Guadalajara metropolitan area, the consulate said. Images shared on Twitter showed at least one bus burning and several armed men carjacking people at stop lights. Valencia is a very common last name in michoacan. De acuerdo con el Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos, estos narcotraficantes son de los ms violentos del crtel de Nemesio Oseguera, alias el Mencho. Group" currently operates in the states of. R". He has to hide like a rat, cant even step in his hometown (Michoacan).He's nothing without PRIs blessing. By the way Cocho. Making fun of Mencho was his death sentence; La Cholita, El Pirata de Culiacn and Cholo Flechas thus mocked the leader of the CJNG "I already realized that you are with the CJNG": La Vaca, the narco who broke with Mencho, threatens Mexican authorities ; Videos: "War is coming", the CJNG threatens hitmen who betrayed Mencho El CJNG tiene presencia en entidades como Tamaulipas, Michoacn, Sonora, Sinaloa, Jalisco, Chihuahua, Guerrero, Zacatecas, Nayarit, Baja California, . "El fentanilo se ha colocado en el mercado estadunidense como una droga de moda". El gobernador Cuitlhuac Garca dijo que el video fue un montaje del CJNG para desacreditar a su gobierno. The Mexican city of Guadalajara was under siege for at least 10 hours Tuesday night as a shootout between alleged members of the ruthless Jalisco New Generation Cartel and official forces took over the streets. Guadalajara, Jalisco.-. En su comunicado, el Departamento del Tesoro, comparti que uno de los fraudes que cometen contra los propietarios es mencionar que tienen candidatos para comprar sus inmuebles o hacer ofertas para la misma. "El Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin es una organizacin violenta con sede en Mxico, responsable del trfico de una proporcin significativa del fentanilo y otras drogas mortales que ingresan a Estados Unidos", seal entonces el Departamento del Tesoro. En octubre del ao pasado, el Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos indic a cuatro individuos como miembros del CJNG, entre ellos Jarqun Jarqun, bajo la acusacin de realizar operaciones ilcitas en el Puerto de Manzanillo, en Colima, y reas aledaas. When people cry about narco videos(apparently this one went viral)this is why they should be shown.MAYBE something may be done,because it has embarrased Mexico to an extent?Dont hold your breadth though.Mexico has the means to curb any of these cartels they dont need help go figure why they dont. Minister of National Defense Luis Cresencio told reporters Monday that the video features an elite cell of CJNG created a year ago and commanded by Juan Carlos Gonzlez, aka "El 03." . A video showing a . . Too funny!I guess for dummies or rolling into peasant villages that's impressive but as far as an army it ain't sheet--wouldn't last fifteen minutes against a real fighting force! Treasurys action against Abouzaid El Bayeh is a demonstration of the United States continuing commitment to dismantling CJNG through the targeting of critical cogs in the organizations leadership structure, said Director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control Andrea M. Gacki. Todays action is the result of OFACs ongoing collaboration with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Los Angeles Field Division. Mundo. Los medios locales, que repasan los acontecimientos criminales en la entidad tapata, aseguran que Juan Carlos Gonzlez fue el encargado del ataque al ex fiscal de Jalisco, Luis Carlos Njera, el 22 de mayo de 2018 en la ciudad Guadalajara, quien slo result herido en una mano, y el asesinato de los miembros de la Agencia de Investigacin Criminal de la Subprocuradura Especializada en Investigacin de Delincuencia Organizada (Seido), Alfonso Hernndez Villavicencio y Octavio Martnez Quiroz; y del director de Seguridad Pblica de Zamora (Michoacn), Daniel Torres Hernndez. No escribas babosadas que el Pirata mal clculo ir a GDL sin haberse disculpado pblicamente cmo lo hizo Chanito. The knives stabbed into the corpse fixed boards with messages to the body, one of which read "the traitor" in Spanish, Vice reports. I wrote a comment similar to this like 8 months ago. Previously, in October 2018, the U.S. Department of Justice identified Abouzaid El Bayeh as being linked to CJNG and unsealed a federal drug trafficking indictment filed against him in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia that was investigated by the DEA Los Angeles Field Division. In June 2021, a confrontation between the two organizations took place in Zacatecas, leaving 18 dead. 02.03.2023 EU sanciona a 8 inmobiliarias mexicanas vinculadas al CJNG . "Elite Group" reappeared, threatening Jos Antonio Ypez, " El police officers from Villagrn, in Guanajuato. He apologized cuando se le bajo lo pedo and he hasn't been heard of ever since smh no que muy hombres pues.. Yea I sleep with Marco wives in Sinaloa too, they enjoy the company of real men. "El Tarjetas"), who are . El lder de La Familia Michoacana habra sido capturado por sicarios e incluso habra un video de lo que el CJNG le hizo. @3:14 What happened to Martin Beltran Coronel (El Aguila)? Bravo.La Camarilla. Editor's Note: In a new series, Vanda Felbab-Brown outlines the way Mexico's two largest cartels the Sinaloa Cartel and Cartel Jalisco Nueva -Generacin (CJNG) as well as smaller criminal . El Millonario tiene una dura prueba ante el Granate para intentar subirse a lo ms alto de la tabla de posiciones. Too funny. suffered an attack that he survived. El 03 creci criminalmente al amparo del lder principal del CJNG. Los Alegres Del Barranco also made a song for him. I wonder who will get in trouble for the video, seeing as Russian hacker on twitter able to geolocate them. Jaliscos will never enter Durango, only plaza that is totally under control all the way from government to the cartel working as one to keep Durango marranos free. He is the son of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes (aka "El Mencho"), one of the most wanted men in Mexico. The Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) has announced its arrival in El Volantn, a small town in Jalisco near Lake Chapala, and it doesn't plan on leaving any time soon. . They are NOTHING without EPN. The reason they have them cause u cant hear them like regular helicopters that give notice and they flee, In Zac this so called grupo alite isn't doing much progress at all against cdn nor cds, Are you the one who said cjng would never enter zacatecas? opposing criminal cells.". that the presence of elements of Public Security will be strengthened to Such as the case with Flechas MZ, an associated organization that has the strength, power, money, and firepower to defeat the CJNG in the region. In the first, the members of the This follows many actions we have taken against CJNG actors in Puerto Vallarta who have abused the local tourism industry. He also finds him more responsible than Menchito. El Millonario tiene una dura prueba ante el Granate para intentar subirse a lo ms alto de la tabla de posiciones. The arrest of Ruiz would be one of the biggest hits to date against the CJNG by Mexican authorities. Ruiz, also known as The YouTuber, is said to be the man behind the Jalisco Cartel New Generations propaganda videos. I suspect that helicopter mini-gun operators in Mexico are champing at the bit right now and having dreams of making it go BRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! "La comunidad decidi instalar un campamento de bloqueo a la entrada de la granja porccola, haciendo uso de su derecho legtimo a la protesta pacfica". He is way more respected than menchito.. Igualmente lo sealan de ser el presunto responsable del secuestro de Jess Alfredo e Ivn Archivaldo Guzmn Salazar, "Los Chapitos", el 15 de agosto de 2016 en un restaurante de Puerto Vallarta. Action Coordinated with the Government of Mexico. I wonder HOW a CARTEL that is in their peak such AS cjng will react to the GOV GOING sticky for them instead of their enemy CDS.. WILL be interesting to SEE. VIDEO muestra a diez sometidos por un grupo armado, opositor de Crtel de Sinaloa . Nickname please,lets see if u know,which I doubtthey dont call him el 3 just government does and authorities, El 3 is a top priority for Gente Nueva Special Forces ! Chapo was a real gangster. Ocho empresas mexicanas fueron sealadas por la Oficina de Control de Bienes Extranjeros del Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos (OFAC, por sus siglas en ingls) como parte de un esquema de extorsin del crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin ( CJNG ), con el cual se vendan supuestos tiempos compartidos a ciudadanos . Abouzaid El Bayeh was designated today for materially assisting in, providing financial or technological support for or to, or providing goods or services in support of the international narcotics trafficking activities of CJNG. Say what you will about Mencho, but he moves very carefully and has shown to be very elusive. Funny how barely ur finding about this guy,it aint his son.he raised him! Farfan got the drugs from CJNG members in Michoacn, a western state . I can't believe people actually larp on BB, but I understand they're just trying to make light of terrifying and demoralizing situations. Desde analistas de logstica hasta ingenieros, Hiplito Mora, exlder de autodefensas, denuncia ataque en su contra; hay 2 heridos, "Los sistemas inteligentes pueden propagar estupidez artificial", advierte experto, Huesera, filme que navega en el gnero de horror, para hablar de la maternidad, La prdida amorosa es una de las ms radicales que todos conocemos: Pablo Azcar, Samovar es la historia de vida de mi abuela y mi obra ms ntima: Ethel Krauze, La historia sera otra si hubiramos puesto la maternidad al centro: Tania Tagle, La Cabeza de Joaqun Murrieta, una serie basada en el "Robin Hood" mexicano, "Cualquier cosa se puede conseguir": Zaber celebra firma con disquera holandesa, La atmsfera futurista de Astronoma Interior llegar a Vive Latino y Pa'l Norte, En Edomex persiste la "dinosaurica" cultura poltica del Grupo Atlacomulco: Barranco, "Salvajes", cancin con la que LEZ honra la memoria de su vocalista Carlos Baltazar, "Necesitamos voces diversas": scar Jaenada y Maya Zapata presentan Horario estelar, Es una suerte haber disfrutado de un amor a lo largo de 30 aos: Luis Garca Montero, Santiago Nieto critica que jueces federales decidan en funcin de su sesgo poltico, Canad: Rescatan a 64 trabajadores mexicanos que eran explotados por red traficante, Cocaine Bear: Pablo Escobar y la real historia criminal del oso cocainmano, Cocaine Bear eclipsa a "Ant-Man", pero no lo quita de la cima de la taquilla, HBO pone fecha al regreso de La Casa del Dragn; se estrenar en el 2024, Avatar 2 supera a Titanic en las 10 pelculas ms taquilleras de la historia, Que Viva Mxico!, de Luis Estrada, comparte triler lleno de stira poltica, Pinocho, de Guillermo del Toro, triunfa con el BAFTA a Mejor Pelcula Animada, Nuevo avance del remake de La Sirenita con la rsula de Melissa McCarthy, Todd Phillips comparte la primera foto de la secuela del Joker con Lady Gaga, AppleTV+ revela la fecha de estreno de la tercera temporada de Ted Lasso, Bridgerton 3 estrena avance con la reina Carlota como la protagonista, Magic Mikes Last Dance gana 8.2 mdd en primer fin de semana; domina taquilla, Argentina 1985, de Ricardo Darn, gana el Goya a Mejor Pelcula Iberoamericana. WASHINGTON Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned eight Mexican companies linked to timeshare fraud on behalf of the Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG). If you think Sinaloa was the only Cartel with strong ties to politicians you don't know the history of Mexico and your info comes from watching Narcos! El Ejrcito mexicano ha dado un golpe al Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG . Menchito"; "El 03" and "El Double R". Fifteen officers died. and/or " Tripa", is the leader of the cell in Michoacn, this is according Happen to zetas, caballeros templarios (under PAN blessing) and now tecato Mencho time's up. shoutouts to menchito the call of duty playerthats cute. 100% in agreement Durango es de los Duranguenses Puro Numeros! Sedena clarified that so far El Menchito is a former drug trafficker, high-ranking leader of the Jalisco Cartel Nueva Generacin (CJNG). Paradela marc el, por ahora, nico tanto del encuentro. Noticias PV (@noticiaspv) April . Oh ok. Dont forget to eat your Wheaties when u wake up. Fotografan los rostros de miembros de poderoso cartel 4:47. He is Mencho's godson from a fallen best friend/compadre. They also have a lot that the cartels cannot obtain, such as towed and mobile Howitzer 105mm artillery guns and everything in between that and anti-tank rockets, including a large variety of anti-armor rockets and missiles. Este lunes, en conferencia de prensa, Cresencio Sandoval, enumer los vehculos de blindaje artesanal, las armas, y profundiz en los vtores a Juan Carlos Gonzlez, alias El 03 lder de la clula de Jalisco en Michoacn, Guanajuato y Zacatecas y El Doble R, lugarteniente en Michoacn. The elite group was formed last year and is led by Juan Carlos Gonzlez, 'El 03'. Nope, hes the son. What I dont understand how people like you cheer for one cartel and talk smack about cartels but cheer like high school horny girls for another. La Sedena indicated that both He was an informant working with the government and gave up enemies/his own people. El Gobierno de Estados Unidos impuso este jueves sanciones econmicas contra ocho empresas mexicanas por estafar, en beneficio del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG), a ciudadanos estadounidenses que cuentan con viviendas de tiempo compartido, inform el Departamento del Tesoro. Informacin, novedades y ltima hora sobre Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin. This was a rumor, them being related, but I spoke to a friend from Revolcadero and he said they indeed are. Juan Carlos Gonzlez estara disputndose el mximo puesto de la organizacin con Jos Luis Mendoza Crdenas, alias La Garra,responsable de los manejos del CJNG en Estados Unidos. Momento del tiroteo sobre paseo Puerta de Hierro, en Zapopan, Estado de Jalisco, el 2 de octubre de 2022. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. El Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG), dirigido por Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, alias 'El Mencho' es considerado como uno de los grupos delictivos ms violentos que operan en Mxico. Revealed on his The CJNG is responsible for the majority of the fentanyl, methamphetamine and other illicit drugs that flood Los Angeles, said DEA Los Angeles Field Division Special Agent in Charge Bill Bodner. Abouzaid El Bayeh, who remains a fugitive from these charges, maintains a close relationship with senior leaders of CJNG. "Organizaciones fachada fundadas por partidos en crisis desde 2018, slo un empresario corrupto como Claudio X. Gonzlez, los puede reunir". Y seal que trabaja de manera conjunta con la Administracin para el Control de Drogas (DEA) y la Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera (UIF) de Mxico. La Garra est considerado uno de los dos cabecillas que podran colocarse al frente de la organizacin criminal en caso de que Nemesio Oseguera El Mencho fuera abatido o detenido por las autoridades. . Grupo Elite was founded in 2018 by EFE.- Estados Unidos sancion este jueves a una red de empresas mexicanas vinculadas al Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG) que cometen estafas y fraudes en las ciudades de Puerto Vallarta y de Guadalajara, en Jalisco.. En un comunicado, el Departamento del Tesoro afirm que "en zonas tursticas como Puerto Vallarta, el CJNG se ha involucrado en prcticas de fraude que a menudo . Ranging from 84mm to 106mm.Look, if Mexico REALLY went to WAR against the cartels, then Mexico could win, perhaps easily, but there would be 1000's of innocent civilians killed, if not 10's of thousands.The Mexican government has the best spying and intelligence capabilities thanks to us, the USA, however, there are too many high ranking corrupt individuals in the Mexican chain-of-command that disrupt everything. Not to mention that the Mexican air force also operates 20 UH-60 Blackhawks, which are outfitted with miniguns.The Mexican government also has tons more armored vehicles with mounted .50 cals. Sin embargo, el desafo no ha resultado slo contra el grupo criminal antagnico, sino contra todo el pas. They know who their daddy is at the end of the day. Sinaloa is flamboyant and that why you know of them! In another clip, alleged members of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) are seen lined up in a caravan and firing their high-calibre weapons in the air. I see people talking about CJNG not being able to step into Sinaloa but people I know in Culiacan have said that there already there making moves slowly. The U.S. Department of States Narcotics Rewards Program has issued a reward of up to $10 million for information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of Nemesio Ruben Oseguera Cervantes. En ese momento, se volvieron comunes los vdeos de personas cercenadas por . Within days, authorities detained six Meanwhile Sinaloa has been around for Decades. Since June 2000, more than 2,200 entities and individuals have been sanctioned pursuant to the Kingpin Act for their role in international narcotics trafficking. Criminal penalties for corporate officers may include up to 30 years in prison and fines of up to $5 million. The attacks happened simultaneously in the two states of Jalisco and Guanajuato, according to news reports. Meantime I'm in culiacan like a lechero.. Blah, Blah, Blah. as belonging to the "Elite Group" of the CJNG, according to state Arrestan a hombre por intentar introducir explosivos en un avin en EU 01/03/2023 . https://t.co/ugmzgwu0R9, Under Secretary Brian Nelson (@UnderSecTFI) March 2, 2023. Los hombres de Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes El Mencho tenan el objetivo, segn ha explicado el secretario de la Defensa Nacional, Luis Cresencio Sandoval, de amedrentar a sus rivales en Guanajuato, principalmente al Crtel de Santa Rosa de Lima, liderado por Jos Antonio Ypez Ortiz, alias El Marro, el da de su cumpleaos. A Warner Bros. Itll blow your mind lol. He works for the US, he became an informant since his arrest in Ca back in 92, everything that goes on in mex is being puppeteer by the US of A, all u guys are blind. Ciudad de Mxico, 2 de marzo (SinEmbargo).- El Gobierno de Estados Unidos impuso este jueves sanciones econmicas contra ocho empresas mexicanas por estafar, en beneficio del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG), a ciudadanos estadounidenses que cuentan con viviendas de tiempo compartido, inform el Departamento del Tesoro. We have a NSA consultant tatgeting their communications .We have an elite team in Michiocan and in Jalisco looking for El Mencho 24x7 . isn't that cuinis in michoacan? 02/03/2023 03:51. Cinco de las ocho empresas se encuentran en Puerto Vallarta y al menos una de ellas ha entregado pagos a . Mexicos president, Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador, said the attacks began after several cartel members were meeting when the Mexican military arrived to make several apprehensions.. In 2019 the group also participated in an attack against the Villagrn municipal police in Guanajuato, where three deaths, one wounded and four kidnapped . Where can I find a high resolution picture of the sedena analyzes picture where it shows the trucks. The Mexican Marines are the only mostly loyal force that Mexico has. En destinos tursticos como Puerto Vallarta, el CJNG se ha implicado mucho en el fraude en multipropiedad, que con frecuencia apunta a ciudadanos estadunidenses, revel Andrea Gacki, directora de la Oficina de Control de Bienes Extranjeros (OFAC). In May 2018, Luis Carlos Njera, was identified by the PGR as, "El Sobrino" was Segn la acusacin del gobierno mexicano, El 03 cre dos grupos de lite, El RR y El Grupo Delta, para disputarse el territorio con el Crtel de Santa Rosa de Lima (Guanajuato, Zacatecas, Quertaro), Los Viagras (Michoacn) y La Familia Michoacana. Todays Kingpin Act designation marks OFACs twelfth action against CJNG, which was designated on April 8, 2015, along with its leader, Nemesio Ruben Oseguera Cervantes (a.k.a. Lots of old ties to mencho/cuinis in the Bay Area. The indictment alleges the activity began in or around 2012. "Elite Group" had been heard of in the spring 2018 arrests. La Guelaguetza, un intercambio bellsimo de productos originales, se sustituy por Oxxos y tiendas de ropa de China. i doubt his killers would step a foot on his GALLINERO (Sinaloa). Since u guys dont much of him i will not say much!! CJNG is a violent Mexico-based organization that traffics a significant proportion of the illicit fentanyl and other deadly drugs that enter the United States. He is known as "Juan Nieve" Animo Sicarios. Lock He is the son of one is menchos best friends but sees mencho as a dad, cause of their history in the early 2000s. Desde la penitenciara "El Hongo", en Tecate Baja California, donde contina en . Jalisco Governor Enrique Alfaro addressed the attacks Wednesday and said no one was hurt during the shootouts. The picture were mencho hold on one arm a rooster and the other a little boy that people think is mechito its actually el 3 Michoacano. Also to your point about La Coronas brief existence, dont you think La Corona and Los Aliados and all the other CDS cells just coalesced into the Los Sinaloas tag/group thats always used when talking about CDS in Jalisco? Farfan got the drugs from CJNG members in Michoacn, a western state . ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Segn la acusacin del gobierno mexicano, El 03 cre dos grupos de lite, El RR y El Grupo Delta, para disputarse el territorio con el Crtel de Santa Rosa de Lima (Guanajuato, Zacatecas, Quertaro), Los Viagras (Michoacn) y La Familia Michoacana. Las otras compaas involucradas son Corporativo Title I, Corporativo TS Business Inc y TS Business Corporativo, localizadas al oeste de Guadalajara. Under his watch, CJNG members have downed an army helicopter with a rocket-propelled grenade, killed dozens of state officials, and has even been known to hang the bodies of victims . During the morning conference on Adios sicario parades on lonely brechas. The leader in Jalisco is Ricardo Ruiz Velazco, 'El Doble R'. Encuentra las ltimas noticias de CJNG: informacin, fotos y videos en Milenio. Rumors have Mexicans training to use Blackhawk helicopters at night with flares. Criminal fines for corporations may reach $10 million. The so-called "Elite But youre a nobody @ 10:29 La mencha doesnt even know you exist and I highly doubt youre sleeping with anybody nothing but another keyboard warrior cheerleader, 10:29 u stay going to Sinaloa to see a real narco guy,. Not exactly folding like a cheap suit. Leave it alone altogether, Only if u guys knew who his real dad is lol!! Under his father, he allegedly worked as second in command of the CJNG and directed the international drug trafficking operations. CJNG Overview. Cartel members fired hundreds of rounds and hurled grenades and jugs of gasoline. Just ask Mayo Zambada, hes said it multiple times that he feels he works for the government not the other way around. Under his father, he allegedly worked as second in command of the CJNG and directed the international drug trafficking operations. El texto seala, adems, que los arrestos son el resultado de una investigacin que comenz el 29 de marzo de 2019, luego de que la polica recibi una denuncia annima sobre personas pertenecientes a un grupo criminal, supuestamente involucrados en el trfico de armas de fuego en los estados de Colima, Jalisco y la Ciudad de Mxico. Monday, the head of the Sedena, Luis Crescencio Sandoval, pointed out that the two videos broadcast are authentic and that it is about Giniral luis Crescencio Sandoval was in charge of the military zone where the Zetas operated the prison, recycling of stolen vehicles, murdered and disappeared inmates and carried on with Allende and San Fernando murders, how come he is in the AMLO REGIME? Another fact to which this CJNG cell was linked, is the murder of. Haters gonna hate. Anteriormente, la fiscala haba publicado un comunicado en el que informaba de la detencin de Aldrin "J", presunto lder del CJNG, Diana "M" y Juan "B". Las ocho son sancionadas por ser propiedad, estar controladas o dirigidas por el CJNG o bien por haber actuado en nombre de este grupo, . I have sent to the troopa del inferno and the cdn by fed ex a case of the finest Scottish whiskey hand crafted in the highlands by me personally to boost the morale of the cdn and troopa del inferno to give some courage to our troops for this upcoming battle of the ages cdn vs cjng i intend to raise a glass with you el senor huevo Trevino ATTE SCOTTISH ZETA. Adems, Julio . Con dos de sus hijos en prisiones estadounidenses, las autoridades apuntan que El Mencho podra estar preparando a El 03 como su prximo sucesor. "El 3" indicated as one of the main collaborators of El "Mencho", some media reports that the relationship they maintain is of a Godfather and Godson, but others mention that it could be an unrecognized son of Oseguera Cervantes.
Alex Wassabi Older Brother, Articles E