Which is a goal of acceptance and commitment therapy? 48. Please note that a person may become fixated at any stage, meaning they become stuck, thereby affecting later development and possibly leading to abnormal functioning, or psychopathology. Communication in the Nervous System. d. It focuses on educational goals rather than therapeutic purposes. If you recognize your worth as a person, Carl Rogers would say that you have developed: In the 1960s and 1970s, social upheaval and soul-searching in Western society gave rise to humanistic and existential therapies. Messages moving from neuron to neuron must cross tiny spaces called: Which model of abnormality focuses on learning and the thinking that underlies behavior? 101. Which model of abnormality does this quote MOST closely represent? The force that is in control in this example is the: a. id. c. intellectualization. c. They explain outside influences and past events. a. psychodynamic b. cognitive c. humanistic-existential d. behavioral. a. c. working to change unacceptable thoughts. The pituitary gland is the master gland which regulates other endocrine glands. With regard to assessing the effectiveness of the various models of abnormality, which model BEST lends itself to laboratory testing? Check out Figure 2.10 to see if you do. The contents of the unconscious could move from the unconscious to preconscious, but to do so, it had to pass a Gate Keeper. A) cognitive-behavioral B) sociocultural C) psychodynamic D) humanistic-existential B? A goal of behavior-focused therapy is to: a. prevent feelings of anger and acts of aggression. You have likely heard about Pavlov and his dogs, but what you may not know is that this was a discovery made accidentally. Then, Jones gave the child some pleasant food (i.e., something sweet such as cookies [Panel C]; remember the response to the food is unlearned, i.e., Panel A). A cognitive-behavioral therapist would MOST likely recommend: 76. Multicultural theorists would explain the higher levels of mental illness among poor people as MOST likely due to: Which group BEST reflects those who may benefit from couple therapy? A perfect run will not be possible because "I'm going to screw up!" Robin struggles to make decisions about romantic partners, jobs, and even what to wear. SAD occurs with greater frequency for those living far north or south from the equator (Melrose, 2015). 108. The defense mechanism that BEST explains your behavior is: a. denial. Counselors, clinical psychologists, and psychotherapists often work directly in . Finally, respondent conditioning has several properties: His name is The humanistic perspective. The patient might change the subject, stop talking, or lose his/her train of thought. The strategies arise from all three learning models. a. to lessen the power of thoughts b. to stop the client from comparing himself or herself to others c. to decrease internal negative self-talk d. to increase awareness of why the client behaves a certain way. The defense mechanism that BEST explains this behavior is: Nikolai's grandmother has just baked cookies and is placing them on a cooling rack. When a doctor strikes your knee with that little hammer, your leg extends out automatically. For more on the role of genes in the development of mental illness, check out this article from Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/saving-normal/201604/what-you-need-know-about-the-genetics-mental-disorders. c. This model focuses on abstract issues of human fulfillment. Dont worry. Your first semester of college, you have several midterms you need to study for. Track the accuracy of the thought. d. secondary process thought. b. it is unclear whether problematic behaviors and cognitions are the cause of psychological difficulties or the result. A therapist who would say this as a primary part of the therapy process would MOST probably be following the _____ tradition. a. modeling. d. One-fourth of all treated couples eventually separate or divorce. 1. Elevated levels of this hormone can lead to several problems, including increased weight gain, interference with learning and memory, reduced bone density, high cholesterol, and an increased risk of depression. The _____ model of abnormality pays particular attention to the client's family structure, societal norms, and the client's roles in society. The Structure of the Nervous System. 37. b. humanistic. Which statement about couple therapy is MOST accurate? a. humanistic-existential b. biological c. psychodynamic d. sociocultural, 5. Consider the following: In relation to men: While mental illnesses affect both men and women, the prevalence of mental illnesses in men is often lower than women. The paradigm, or model, adopted by people in the Middle Ages to explain abnormal behavior was the _____ model. b. cognitive-behavioral. Eventually, the response brought about by the sympathetic nervous system must end. 2.2.2. D) Its symptoms, such as irrational beliefs, are a severe form of illogical thinking. 156. Humanists would say that an individual who cares about others and who is spontaneous, courageous, and independent is: a. authentic. Gestalt therapy is similar to mindfulness techniques in its emphasis on: Cognitive-behavioral approaches used to treat social anxiety disorder aim to: alter illogical thinking patterns and reduce avoidance behaviors. 41. Consider where students sit in a class. b. increase feelings of gratitude and decrease feelings of fear. Notice how the line has dropped below -70mV. How does the existential perspective approach psychopathology? The synapse consists of three parts the axon of the sending neuron, the space in between called the synaptic space, gap, or cleft, and the dendrite of the receiving neuron. It leads us to adopt our parents values as we come to realize that many of the ids impulses are unacceptable. Since that time, I've never been able to swim in a lake. c. transference. Outside of biological and psychological factors on mental illness, race, ethnicity, gender, religious orientation, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, etc. 35. Children who watched the aggressive model behaved aggressively with the Bobo doll while those who saw the gentle model, played nice. 86. 109. A psychodynamic therapist would consider this an example of: A patient's initial reaction to being told she has a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is to insist that the nurse made a mistake with the test. 92. This begs the question of how we can really know that they exist. Finally, the individual either imagines (systematic) or experiences in real life (in-vivo) each object or scenario from the hierarchy and uses the relaxation technique while doing so. Which type of psychodynamic therapy encourages therapists to disclose things about themselves? 130. Marie comes from a supportive, loving family and has a stable socio-economic background. c. Its use is controversial because it requires surgical implantation of electrodes. Through their training and their professional activities, clinical psychologists become very familiar with the definitions of various forms of abnormal behavior and the ways it differs from normal behavior. size the different models of abnormality and to avoid oversimplifying the complex nature of human problems. c. Cultural factors might create a climate favorable for the development of certain disorders. 129. The three parts of personality generally work together well and compromise, leading to a healthy personality, but if the conflict is not resolved, intrapsychic conflicts can arise and lead to mental disorders. What an individual views as abnormal behavior in public may be the only way to effectively interact with family members. b. Some researchers have manipulated the behaviors and thoughts of study participants to create clinical-like symptoms. The psychologist who would MOST closely agree with this statement would be described as: a. behavioral. c. take responsibility for harmful behavioral patterns. This is called the. Key Components of Reinforcement Schedules. Which of the following is NOT an example of diathesis in the diathesis-stress explanation of. a. psychoanalysis. d. fixation. DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is our heredity material. Depersonalization can be defined as a feeling of unreality or detachment from oneself. These included risk versions of two genes that regulate the flow of calcium into cells. Likewise, twin and family studies have shown that people with first-degree relatives suffering from OCD are at higher risk to develop the disorder themselves. b. people are naturally inclined to live positively. Overgeneralizing You see a larger pattern of negatives based on one event. Which of the following exemplify secondary prevention? 77. This statement aligns MOST closely with the beliefs of which type of theorist? Hence, they experience conditional positive regard. Cigarette smoking, alcohol use, and drug use during pregnancy are risk factors for ADHD. This strategy teaches social skills, communication, assertiveness through direct instruction, role playing, and modeling. If a person is used to receiving reinforcement every time they perform a particular behavior, and then suddenly no reinforcer is delivered, he or she will cease the response immediately. Describe the role of hormonal imbalances in mental illness. We will cover this process in three parts. This therapist is MOST likely a(n) _____ therapist. d. a severe disorder and who has not responded to any other therapies over years of treatment. a. gestalt 65. The MOST likely consequence of having acquired conditions of worth is: a. social isolation. What, according to Freud, fuels the id? 99. a. sociocultural b. biological c. cognitive d. demonological, 4. Over time, he begins to understand how events in his early life have impacted how he functions now. What are some issues facing the biological model? d. propositions. According to Freud, our personality has three parts the id, superego, and ego, and from these our behavior arises. Over time, the temper tantrums become more and more common. The medical model of mental illness treats mental disorders in the same way as a broken arm, i.e., there is thought to be a physical cause.. Still, we must remember that the model is a starting point for the researcher, and due to this, it determines what causes might be investigated at the exclusion of other causes. Check out the figure below for how these contingencies are arranged. The cognitive model focuses on schemas, cognitive errors, attributions, and maladaptive cognitions and offers strategies such as CBT, cognitive restructuring, cognitive coping skills training, and acceptance. Gender plays an important, though at times, unclear role in mental illness. Simply, she placed the child in one end of a room and then brought in the rabbit. Your romantic partner of four years ends the relationship suddenly and cuts off all contact. Step 6 Please note that this process is cyclical. Which form of therapy helps clients recognize errors in logic and try out new interpretations of events? During a meeting, Shondas manager asks her to free associate about her coworkers performance. The part of the personality that guides us to know when we can and cannot express our impulses is the: a. id. The answer is yes and no, depending on whether we are talking about continuous or partial reinforcement. b. modeling. It begins with the individual learning a relaxation technique such as diaphragmatic breathing. The autonomic nervous system regulates the functioning of blood vessels, glands, and internal organs such as the bladder, stomach, and heart. Antidepressants are used to treat depression, but also anxiety, insomnia, and pain. c. the id, ego, and superego. d. psychotropic treatment. For more on these techniques, visit http://cogbtherapy.com/cognitive-behavioral-therapy-exercises/. This therapist is MOST likely a(n) _____ therapist. a. Side effects include nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, weight gain, restlessness, tremors, and rigidity. Evaluate the usefulness of psychodynamic theory. 64. The BEST explanation for this trend is that these theories: A therapist identifies a biological factor in a patient with depression. The sociocultural model asserts that race, ethnicity, gender, religious orientation, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation all play a role in the development and treatment of mental illness. We can also ask the patient probing questions, seek information from family members, examine medical records, and in time, organize and process all this information to better understand the persons condition and potential causes. c. psychodynamic. The content of dreams includes the persons actual retelling of the dreams, called manifest content, and the hidden or symbolic meaning called latent content. Additionally, you might have wondered if the person or animal will try to make the response again in the future even though it stopped being reinforced in the past. 28. 150. c. illogical thinking. d. it is too narrow in certain ways. Flooding and desensitization are typical respondent conditioning procedures used with phobias, and modeling arises from social learning theory and observational learning. Communication in the nervous system. The drug causes severe vomiting if a person drinks alcohol while taking the drug. c. humanistic-existential There will be some variability in terms of what symptoms are displayed, but in general, all people with a specific psychopathology have symptoms from that group. A family systems theorist might suggest that Robin comes from a(n) _____ family. This was a positive punisher that did not have to be learned, and definitely not one of my finer moments in life. The neuron. The electrical portion of the neural impulse is just the start. Modeling techniques change behavior by having subjects observe a model in a situation that usually causes them some anxiety. Which statement is TRUE regarding the models of abnormality?, Which of the following is a particular strength of the clinical interview process?, Multicultural theorists would explain the higher levels of mental illness among poor people as MOST likely due to:, What requires a client to view one inkblot card at a time and describe what he or she sees in the image? Right before his death, Skinner (1990) reminded psychologists that the only thing we can truly know and study was the observable. When Mathias did not get a job for which he applied, he was sure that everything was going wrong, that his life was completely off track. b. exposure d. self-help therapy. Examples include abnormal blood levels, damaged cells, and abnormal gene expression. A) The humanistic-existential model B) The family-social perspective C) The cognitive model D) The psychodynamic model B The model of abnormality that focuses on the role of values and choices in behavior is the _____ model. This could be a single factor such as a chemical imbalance in the brain, relationship with a parent, socioeconomic status (SES), a fearful event encountered during middle childhood, or the way in which the individual copes with lifes stressors. 27. Other examples of secondary reinforcers include praise, a smile, getting money for working or earning good grades, stickers on a board, points, getting to go out dancing, and getting out of an exam if you are doing well in a class. Which model of abnormality cites physical processes as being the key to behavior? Also, many treatment techniques have been developed and proven to be effective over the years. As fears can be learned, so too they can be unlearned. In the case of depression, low levels of serotonin are responsible, at least partially. The child learns to interact with others without yelling. What if? It is the most commonly used biological treatment for mental disorders. The child learns to interact with others without yelling. c. increased participation in very high-risk activities. c. role-playing. Over time, the temper tantrums become more and more common. Essentially, they wanted to explore the possibility of conditioning various types of emotional response(s). The researchers ran a series of trials in which they exposed a 9-month-old child, known as Little Albert, to a white rat. Here are the models we will examine in this module: You should have learned the following in this section: Proponents of the biological model view mental illness as being a result of a malfunction in the body to include issues with brain anatomy or chemistry. As opposed to the medical model, which emphasizes mental illness as . The sociocultural model has contributed significantly to our understanding of the nuances of mental illness diagnosis, prognosis, course, and treatment for other races, cultures, genders, ethnicities. Another respondent conditioning way to unlearn a fear is called flooding or exposing the person to the maximum level of stimulus and as nothing aversive occurs, the link between CS and UCS producing the CR of fear should break, leaving the person unafraid. c. The underlying assumptions of each model are the same. List and define the ten defense mechanisms proposed by Freud. c. transference. The self-actualization motive plays an important part in human functioning, according to: a. cognition-focused therapists. In 1895, the book, Studies on Hysteria, was published by Josef Breuer (1842-1925) and Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), and marked the birth of psychoanalysis, though Freud did not use this actual term until a year later. The results of this study led him to conclude that _____ greatly affects mental illness. Maladaptive cognitions. Any reference to cognitive processes was dismissed as this was not overt, but covert according to Watson and later Skinner. Infections can cause brain damage and lead to the development of mental illness or exacerbate existing symptoms. Understanding a person's unconscious processes is critical in explaining abnormality. According to psychoanalysis, which statement is TRUE of psychological conflicts? Hypnosis was used at first and relieved her symptoms, as it had done for many patients (See Module 1). An important factor to consider when prescribing drugs for the treatment of abnormality would be that: a. some people do not benefit from drug treatments. A patient has social anxiety disorder. OCD has an earlier age of onset in girls than boys, with most people being diagnosed by age 19. This process is called counterconditioning, or the reversal of previous learning. The model of abnormality that focuses on unconscious internal processes and conflicts in behavior is the _____ model. A therapist pays close attention to what their client has to say and then makes an effort to show accurate empathy and sincerity in their responses. a. Dysfunction b. 160. To address this unique factor, culture-sensitive therapies have been developed and include increasing the therapists awareness of cultural values, hardships, stressors, and/or prejudices faced by their client; the identification of suppressed anger and pain; and raising the clients self-worth (Prochaska & Norcross, 2013). In terms of the latter, some symbols are linked to the person specifically, while others are common to all people. Chief among these are neurotransmitter imbalances. As you might expect, if reinforcement occurs after extinction has started, the behavior will re-emerge. b. insight. With which type of schedule would you expect a person to stop responding to immediately if reinforcement is not there? a. tertiary b. mutual-help c. cognitive-behavioral d. integrative behavioral. c. The client is operantly conditioned to associate sobriety with happiness. Next, a fear hierarchy, or list of feared objects and situations, is constructed in which the individual moves from least to most feared. b. good long-term prognoses. Models aid us with doing all of this. The behavioral model concerns the cognitive process of learning, which is any relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience and practice. According to the psychodynamic model, current behavior is determined by all of the following EXCEPT: a. past experiences. d. use conscious thought as a means to decrease physiological signs of anxiety. Second, observational learning occurs when we learn by observing the world around us. Reinforcement can either occur continuously meaning every time the desired behavior is made the subject will receive some reinforcer, or intermittently/partially meaning reinforcement does not occur with every behavior. 46. Of course, removing cognition from the study of psychology ignored an important part of what makes us human and separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. b. They may be positive and include friendly, affectionate feelings, or negative, and include hostile and angry feelings. d. integrate new behaviors to compensate for other damaging behaviors. List and describe the models of abnormality. Brooklyn learns to turn on the TV by watching her older brother turn it on. b. existential This form of learning is called: a. shaping. Current multicultural perspectives are MOST likely to focus on the: special external pressures faced by members of a culture. If your parents resort to alcohol consumption to deal with stressors life presents, then you also might do the same. The genes responsible for anxiety disorders or related psychological patterns are the same genes that once helped our ancestors survive and reproduce. Once the information has been interpreted, commands are sent out, telling the body how to respond (Step E), also via the peripheral nervous system. 13. d. sociocultural. The defense mechanism that BEST explains his behavior is: a. rationalization. b. biological. The orientation of the author of this quote is MOST likely: a. cognitive-behavioral. Thoughts, as well as overt behaviors, are acquired and modified by various forms of conditioning. Second, we must remember what a model does to imitate it. Evaluate the usefulness of the behavioral model. Students also viewed PSY 381 Chapter 2 Genes, Hormonal Imbalances, and Viral Infections. They would salivate at the sound of a bell, footsteps in the hall, a tuning fork, or the presence of a lab assistant. Maybe I am not paid weekly now. An example was the attention I received for saying I was Chicken Little. d. synapses. Humans are born with freedom, yet do not 'naturally' strive to reach their full growth potential. If a therapist advised you to pay attention to how you were communicating with family members and to change harmful patterns, the therapist would MOST likely be practicing: a. couple therapy. Freuds psychoanalysis was unique in the history of psychology because it did not arise within universities as most major schools of thought did; rather, it emerged from medicine and psychiatry to address psychopathology and examine the unconscious. b. hypotheses. A self-help group differs from group therapy in that the self-help group: a. focuses on less serious problems. 119. c. psychoanalytic theory. also play a role, and this is the basis of the sociocultural model. d. conditions of worth. Messages moving from neuron to neuron must cross tiny spaces called: a. dendrites. The _____ model proposes that humans must have an accurate self-awareness and live meaningful lives to be psychologically well adjusted. Fortunately, the work of George Miller, Albert Ellis, Aaron Beck, and Ulrich Neisser demonstrated the importance of cognitive abilities in understanding thoughts, behaviors, and emotions, and in the case of psychopathology, show that people can create their problems by how they come to interpret events experienced in the world around them. The force that is in control in this example is the: The brain stimulation technique that uses an electromagnetic coil placed on or above a person's head to send electrical current into certain areas of the brain is called: The objective of the Human Genome Project was to: Abnormal chemical activity in the body's endocrine system relates to the release of: During a meeting, Shonda's manager asks her to free associate about her coworker's performance. 34. c. psychoanalysts. b. It went through three major stages behaviorism proper under Watson and lasting from 1913-1930 (discussed as classical/respondent conditioning), neobehaviorism under Skinner and lasting from 1930-1960 (discussed as operant conditioning), and sociobehaviorism under Bandura and Rotter and lasting from 1960-1990 (discussed as social learning theory). It exists in the nucleus of each cell, packaged in threadlike structures known as chromosomes, for which we have 23 pairs or 46 total. Mind Reading Assuming others know what you are thinking without any evidence. d. neurotransmitter imbalances. Since you dont have time, you decide to study only for the classes in which the teacher provided a study guide. Once the electrical impulse reaches the end of the axon, called the axon terminal, it stimulates synaptic vesicles or neurotransmitter sacs to release the neurotransmitter. We must try to convert what we see into action. 70. Horowitz (2008) found that rates of SAD are just 1% for those living in Florida while 9% of Alaskans are diagnosed with the disorder. As you can learn desirable behaviors such as watching how your father bags groceries at the grocery store (I did this and still bag the same way today), you can learn undesirable ones too. So, if you were afraid of clowns, you would be thrown into a room full of clowns. To effectively treat a mental disorder, we must understand its cause. See Figure 2.5 for an overview of Pavlovs classic experiment. a. Operant conditioning is a type of associate learning which focuses on consequences that follow a response or behavior that we make (anything we do, say, or think/feel) and whether it makes a behavior more or less likely to occur. d. projection. d. Not enough therapists practice existential therapy to make it worth researching. b. electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Source: https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/index.shtml. b. In explaining why women are diagnosed with anxiety disorders and depression twice as often as men, multicultural therapists would focus on: a. the biological differences between men and women. Both the id and the ego: a. unconsciously seek gratification. These two cases demonstrate what principle of developmental psychopathology? c. superego. Conditioning, or a type of associative learning, occurs when two separate events become connected. What is the effect of genes, hormones, and viruses on the development of mental disorders? The next morning, researchers placed a hungry cat in the puzzle box and set a small amount of food outside the box, just close enough to be smelled. We are more likely to model behaviors by someone who commands our attention. Freud said this resistance revealed where issues persisted. c. operant conditioning. Briefly outline how communication in the nervous system occurs. Postconditioning. Why? This criticism would be true of behaviorisms first two stages, though sociobehaviorism steered away from this proposition and even fought against any mechanistic leanings of behaviorists. 145. c. denial. b. secondary prevention. Choose one answer. What is an important characteristic of group therapy? Finally, psychoanalytic treatment is expensive and time consuming, and since Freuds time, drug therapies have become more popular and successful. A primary focus of the community mental health treatment approach to abnormality is: Understanding a person's unconscious processes is critical in explaining abnormality. A health care provider prescribes disulfiram (Antabuse) for a client with alcoholism. b. anal stage. 31. A story will illustrate the latter. How so? b. learned behavior. This statement aligns MOST closely with the beliefs of which type of theorist? 117. Asking yourself what if something happens, without being satisfied by any of the answers. A person with a controlling mother is getting help. Since your Italian professor did not provide a study guide, you didnt study for the midterm. So what do we do with this information? a. existential b. humanistic c. sociocultural d. behavior-focused, 139. Both groups were frustrated when deprived of the coveted toy. If a behavior is not memorable, it will not be imitated. The perspective is overly precise. a. psychodynamic b. behavioral c. humanist-existential d. sociocultural. Skinner talked about contingencies or when one thing occurs due to another. After several conditioning trials, the child responded with fear to the mere presence of the white rat (Panel C). d. classical conditioning. If it receives sufficient stimulation, causing the polarity inside the neuron to rise from -70 mV to -55mV (. Within the context of psychopathology, the behavioral perspective is useful because explains maladaptive behavior in terms of learning gone awry. c. superego. c. insert RNA into genes. In Module 3, we will discuss diagnosing and classifying abnormal behavior from the perspective of the DSM-5-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition, Text-Revision). When it comes to other mental disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, research has not found differences in the ratesat whichmen and women experience these illnesses. b. existential therapy. A therapist who assumes this describes a phobia acquired from classical conditioning MOST likely favors which model of abnormality? But women may experience these illnesses differently certain symptoms may be more common in women than in men, and the course of the illness can be affected by the sex of the individual. a. cognitive-behavioral b. humanistic-existential c. sociocultural d. psychodynamic, 7. Rates of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) are four times greater in women than men. Which model is MOST likely to predict that transference will occur during therapy? When I was about eight years old, I would walk up the street in my neighborhood, saying, Im Chicken Little and you cant hurt me. Most ignored me, but some gave me the attention I was seeking, a positive reinforcer.
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