A former editor and reporter for the New York Times, he is author of TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald.. Theres no doubt that Trump has taken on water, and is at his weakest since sometime in the first part of 2016. Op-eds: Publishes opinion pieces on pre-K through 12th grade education in their Commentary section. Submit here. If you are responding to a specific article, letter, or editorial, please include date of publication. Be sure to include your contact email. Letters: 250-300 words max. Local and regional authors and topics are preferred, along with the Silicon Valley. By QUINT The Editorial Board is made up of opinion journalists with wide-ranging expertise whose consensus opinions and endorsements represent the voice of the Public policy professionals need POLITICO. Yet, the disinclination to engage with Trump at all brings back memories of 2016. Letters should preferably be 150 to 175 words, should refer to an article that has appeared within the last seven days, and must include the writer's address and phone number. 150 words. Letters: Subject to editing. Will His AI Plans Be Any Different? Also provide your number. Robert A. George is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist and member of the editorial board covering government and public policy. The number of books banned or challenged in the United States doubled from 2021 to 2022. The New York Times cannot acknowledge unpublished letters other than by an automated e-mail reply. The Daily News reserves the right to edit letters. They are written and edited by the editorial staff, which operates separately from the news department. My Turn should be the subject line title. 2. Easier to read in text message; can accept Word files. Donald Trump is the creator of the movement that nearly everyone else wants to take over or, at the very least, accommodate. Op-eds: Submit through their online form here. The Guardian view on Italys failing left: time to rethink and reset. Submit on this online form. The Orlando Sentinel Editorial Board includes Editor-in-Chief Julie Anderson, Opinion Page Editor Krys Fluker and Viewpoints Editor Jay Reddick. NBC News reserves the right to edit for clarity, length and tone, but they pledge to stay true to your views and argument. They expect 650-700 words, and the piece must be exclusive to the Daily News. Email: comment@globeandmail.ca. Op-eds: Write 600 words. Letters are subject to editing and must include the writers name, address, e-mail address and daytime phone number. May become property of the Star. Mar 4, 2023. Letters are limited to 150 words. USA TODAY is a leader in mobile applications with more than 21 million downloads on mobile devices. Op-eds: The Register's Opinion section welcomes submissions of guest essays. Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Tex.) Trump may indeed be beatable, but the latest polling shows him squarely in the way of anyone who wants to take over the party hes dominated for seven years and counting. They should not be in direct response to previous op/ed columns, syndicated columns, letters to the editor or Tulsa World editorials. Send via email, no attachments, to dnforum@dailynews.com. The shorter the better. The word limit is 500 words, and no more. You must include your email address, address with city and daytime phone number for verification. Op-eds: Email: letters@telegram.com. Submit to info@lareviewofbooks.org, with piece attached as a word document, or a pitch in the Email: stareditor@starnews.com. 250 words max. Letters: To submit a letter to the editor, fill out this form. She has worked in New York, Hong Kong and Singapore. Include links to previously published work. Op-eds: Email: letters@syracuse.com. Great journalism and great businesses require a great workplace. Must be exclusive. The books nearly all have LGBTQ+ or racial themes. If you do not hear in three business days, assume the article will not be used. In addition to this group, who will manage operations on a day-to-day basis, the expanded editorial leadership group will include five Associate Editors who will be involved in major strategic decision-making. Final commentaries should be about 600-800 words. Email: trobberson@post-dispatch.com. Please provide your name, city and telephone number (telephone numbers will not be published). Email: oped@sacbee.com. They are flexible. Submit here on this online form or email: letters@staradvertiser.com. Latest news, analysis and comment on elections in Europe and beyond. The Orlando Sentinel Editorial Board includes Editor-in-Chief Julie Anderson, Opinion Page Editor Krys Fluker and Viewpoints Editor Jay Reddick. Op-eds: 600 words max. Email: editor@philanthropy.com. They are looking for insightful commentary on issues of the day. (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). They want pieces that are incisive and compelling, and that include issues at the top of the news, or that introduce wholly new subject matters. Letters must be the original words of the writer and may be edited for taste, accuracy, clarity and length. You have permission to edit this article. To preserve the space for the pieces we think our readers will most appreciate, we have these guidelines for submissions: Letters: To submit a letter, fill out this form or email letters@tulsaworld.com. Previously, she was a Bloomberg Opinion columnist and editorial board member. 5000 characters. 150 words. Submit your 500-600 word piece to ctc-comment@tribpub.com. Email: letters@providencejournal.com. Jackson - jaletters@mlive.com. Get opinion pieces, letters and editorials sent directly to your inbox weekly! WebPolitics | Opinion Strong arguments and cogent analysis from left, right and beyond. A bill proposed by Gov. Mail: Letters to the Editor, Democrats and Chronicle, 55 Exchange Boulevard, Rochester, NY 14614. Include your name, address and phone number to be considered for publication. Respond to pieces in Globe. Editorial writers are not involved in newsroom operations. DeSantis is trying to push his own message, most recently on his book tour, and put more points on the board in the coming Florida legislative session a mud fight with Trump now isnt in his interest. The overarching issue is probably that students just read less, Spichtig said in a 2019 story in EdSurge, a nonprofit newsroom. Email: opinion@post-gazette.com. Letters: Letters to the Editor should be original and exclusive to The Washington Times. The political cartoon depicting Tucker Carlson (Feb. 25-26) was awkward for The Maui News. We update this information regularly and are always looking for new thought leadership publications to add to the list. Run by the mayor? Letters: Email: letters@telegram.com. Deadline for all submissions is Friday noon of the week preceding publication. it will not be useable. Include your name, address and phone number to be considered for publication. Writers of letters selected for publication will be notified within a week. Submit here. Email: hleditorial@herald-leader.com. You dont need any special expertise to have your article considered for publication, but if you do, please elaborate. You will be notified in a month if your article is being used. Please send completed op-eds or pitches No attachments, please. Were glad to see that North Charlestons leaders are, as Mayor Keith Summey puts it, concerned about the number of failing schools that we have and what we can do to generate more opportunity for the kids coming up in North Charleston. Read moreEditorial: A separate North Charleston school district? He is author of The Scandal of Reform.. Op-eds: To submit an op-ed, email voices@Arkansasonline.com. It gained bipartisan support when the pandemic created serious supply chain problems that greatly hampered chip-reliant U.S. industries such as car manufacturing. Email: pitch@huffpost.com. Letters: Letters to the Editor should be brief. Max is 650 words. Article should be exclusive to the Chronicle. They should be pasted directly into an email and sent to theforum@usatoday.com. Email commentary@baltsun.com. Latest news, analysis and comment from POLITICOs editors and guest writers in Europe. Further, if any school in Iowa removes a book, that book would be added to a statewide removal list, maintained by the Iowa Department of Education. Letters: Email: letters@express-news.net. No. To help you develop an idea of a publications readership, the following are the top 10 U.S. daily news/opinion outlets as of January 2021. Letters: 200 words. Rankings were sourced from Agility PR Solutions and include print and digital circulation. There are more troubling signs of mission creep: In November, Secretary Raimondo expanded her vision to further the transformational potential of the act's rules to enable reimagining our national innovation ecosystem beyond Silicon Valley.. They are accepting topic specific commentary submissions for their Energy Voices and New Economy blogs. If 10 days pass, you may offer elsewhere. Essays should be 625 words and sent by email to commentary@ocregister.com. Send by email to oped@globe.com. * Email general questions about our editorial board or comments on this editorial board roundtable to Elizabeth Sullivan, director of opinion, at esullivan@cleveland.com. Exclusive submissions only. Include name, home address, day number, and email. No attachments, include name, Twitter handle, numbers, byline identification with an affiliation or expertise that is related to the essay. Op-eds: 500-800 words. The inability to obtain chips also exposed a worrying vulnerability for the U.S. military, which relies on semiconductors in a range of weapons. And we are not afraid to risk failure if it means being the best at what we do. Op-eds: No more than 600 words. The Los Angeles Times is the largest metropolitan daily newspaper in the country, with a daily readership of 1.4 million and 2.5 million on Sunday, more than 22 million unique latimes.com visitors monthly, and a combined print and online local weekly audience of 4.1 million. Theyve met with Gov. Max of 700 words, plus a head and shoulders picture, and a short bio. Details here. Provide sources of quotations and factual references for copy-editing purposes. Letters: Letters should not exceed 200 words. Email: cjletter@courier-journal.com. Text. Letters: Email: letters@sltrib.com. We also look for pieces that offer insights about life in Iowa and beyond. Email: opinion@startribune.com. You are notified only if you are considered for publication. Email: edit.features@wsj.com. Op-eds: Commentaries are 600-750 words on current public policy/societal issues on the local, state, national, and international scene. Enjoy unlimited articles at one of our lowest prices ever. Subject: Op-Ed Submission. Include your position, city or community, and relevant background information. Your piece must be exclusive to the Times. Op-eds: About 750 words. This is more of an expertise column. At Politico, Schaffer will rejoin Editor-in-Chief Matthew Kaminski. They cannot be election endorsements or un-endorsements, although at times the editorial department will solicit op/ed columns on both sides of an election for publication. You must sign a freelance agreement. No attachments. No. You will be contacted within a week if there is interest in publishing your article. As with any assignment, there are a few guidelines. Letters: Email HeraldEd@MiamiHerald.com. Email: jane@undark.org or info@undark.org. Pieces become property of cleveland.com. Timothy Lavin is a member of the editorial board covering technology and politics. Founded in 2007, POLITICO has grown to a team of 700 working across North America, more than half of whom are editorial staff. 200 words or less. Op-eds: Send emails without attachments to vop@thebeaconjournal.com. It should be well written, weighty, and whimsical. Letters: Email: mnletters@bayareanewsgroup.com. If you have not heard from them within five business days, assume they have declined. We seek passionate, collaborative and respectful people. Letters: 150 words or fewer. Include one or two sentences about yourself. Personal Essays: Send a personal essay with a narrative arc of 1200-1700 words to jhaward@newsweek.com. Click here for the online form. Political cartoon proof paper sold out to left. Some groups, such as Moms for Liberty, have taken up the cause and pushed here in Iowa for laws that address this school library problem. Attachments will not be opened. Commentaries should not exceed 800 words. Straying from the law's original intent and even expanding such a strategy puts the country on a perilous path. Email: viewpoints@dallasnews.com. Editorial: Let's keep state politics out of school libraries. Latest Search Jamelle Bouie 1776 Is Not Just What Ron DeSantis Wants It to Be The question Letters: Two to three paragraphs with a clear premise. Letters: Submissions over 200 words are not likely to be published. Letters: Email: letters@chronicle.com. Op-eds: Op-eds should be no more than 600 words. Email: oped@starledger.com. The latest opinion pieces, op-eds, editorials, and political news commentary from The Hill, a top political website read by the White House and lawmakers. There is merit to those concerns the United States needs to bring more of our essential manufacturing back home but as we noted in our criticism of the legislation when it was proposed, semiconductor manufacturers have had the ability to increase production in the United States without these generous government subsidies. Op-eds: Other Opinion gives priority to locally written pieces on state and regional issues. Will be contacted within 5 business days if article is chosen. Op-eds: letterstoeditor@bostonherald.comLetters: Submit to their online form here. Must be able to provide source material for your arguments. We reserve the right to edit and shorten the text. Political cartoon proof paper sold out to left. You must include name and phone number. Letters: Email: letters@postandcourier.com. Letters: Timely, original, and short. Provide source material for fact checking. Please include a full name, home address, occupation and daytime phone number, for verification purposes. If you email, send as plain text no attachment and include real name, address (community), and phone number. Letters should be signed, except e-mail. Undark explores science at the point where it intersects and very often collides with politics, economics and culture, so they're looking for topical commentary with a science angle. Email to George Pyle at gpyle@sltrib.com. Include a bio. POLITICO, a global nonpartisan politics and policy news organization, launched in Europe in April 2015. In October, 2021, POLITICO was acquired by, and is a subsidiary of, Axel Springer SE. Op-eds: While The Chronicle of Higher Education covers the academy, they are not a scholarly journal. POLITICO Europe, its seven-year-old European edition has grown to nearly 200 employees. Letters: Letters, not exceeding 200 words, must include your full name, address and telephone numbers. Include background and where you live, plus your telephone number. Make sure your email indicates that the piece is intended for the op-ed page. Due to the volume of submissions, we cant respond to all columns sent to us. Many op-eds published in smaller, local outlets have had a significant impact. Email: opinion@tribweb.com. Email: theforum@usatoday.com. Science. You should provide a cover note giving a brief summary of the article including the authors day and evening phone numbers. Op-eds: My View is a first-person column to all Western New York writers. All LARB pieces are promoted on LARB social media. The Quad-City Times/Moline Dispatch editorial board includes President Debbie Anselm, Executive Editor Tom Martin and Community Member John Wetzel. WebOpinion Columnists Ross Douthat What a Visit to Disney World Reveals About America Politics, decadence and pantheism in the Magic Kingdom. This new structure aims to create a framework to lead the publication into the future, with an eye to ambitious growth and expansion plans. There should be a headshot of you as well, at least 200KB. Online application form here. They should come from an author who lives within our circulation area. Email: letters@chronicle.com. 700 words max. Letters: 200 words. Op-eds: Op-eds are views of an expert in a particular field. Send to opinions@arizonarepublic.com. Include name, number, and address. Flint - flletters@mlive.com. The first session of the 14th National Committee of the CPPCC is scheduled to conclude on March 11, Guo Op-eds longer/shorter than that will not be considered. POLITICO is the global authority on the intersection of politics, policy, and power. POLITICOs mission from the beginning was to win the audience. Op-eds: Any topic in your area of expertise and of local, regional, or state interest. Op-eds: Email: opinion@pioneerpress.com and CC news@pioneerpress.com. Although we receive more submissions than space allows us to use, we appreciate the opportunity to consider each one. Include name, address, telephone number, and some information on the author. (Washington is a small place.) Include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify your comments. Germany Latest news, analysis and comment on German politics
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