
Never Quit And Fight On...

01 Feb 2021 Fiza Aslam 1313

Don’t Quit and Fight On





As time passes by, some people think that they have nowhere near their dreams. The feeling of anxiety lingers in their system and they feel tired as well. Without seeing any progress, they start to think that quitting is their only option.

Some motivational messages can help ease their worries and get them back on their feet. It is a good starting point but it will not work if they don’t follow through. Most of the time, they feel helpless due to their inability to progress. But is that the only reason?

Oftentimes, they lose their focus on what they are doing. They feel that what they are doing is sidetracking them from their goal. The thing is that most of the time, it’s their goal that is distracting them. They set up goals so high that they think it’s unreachable.

This is why they need to sit back, relax, and contemplate. Asking themselves the right questions should get them back on track. They need to decide if this is what they want to do now and in the future. Having a “never say die” attitude will help as well.

Winners never quit, and quitters never win.

Vince Lombardi





Assess the situation

Setting very high goals from the get-go can be a double-edged sword. Sure, it’s all good and well to dream but never leave reality behind. Try to set up reachable goals. After achieving this, they can proceed to create higher goals.

For example, a new graduate sets their sights on a very high ranking job. Having graduated with honors, they think that they will breeze through their application. The thing is that not only companies bet on a newbie. They want people with experience.

How will a person gain experience if they will not have a chance to prove themselves? Some of these newbie’s quit and since they need to earn, try other jobs that they don’t like. This is where frustration and stress come in. What they need to do is never quit; learn as much as they can then try applying again.

Never stop believing

Other people may lose trust in a person but they must never lose trust in themselves. The time will come that they will have no one to lean on but themselves. They have to be strong by accumulating experience then applying it on a daily basis. If they lose sight of themselves, then it might be too late for them.

Accomplished people never got to where they are without experiencing failures. They never stopped believing that everything will be alright in the end. To that end, a person needs to fight on while using motivational messages as fuel to survive.