

27 Jan 2021 Fiza Aslam 1492






  • Men are six fold additional seemingly to be stricken by lightning than ladies.
  • A cluster of kangaroos is termed a mob.
  •  The average person spends around thirty years feeling annoyed with a loved one.
  •  Fear of the amount thirteen is termed simple phobia.
  • The longest recorded flight of a chicken was thirteen seconds.
  •  Lemons contain additional sugar than strawberries!
  • “Strengths” is that the longest word within the West Germanic with one vowel.
  • The average U.S. household has 300,000 things in it.
  • Rabbits just like the style of licorice.
  • Grapes light-weight blazing within the microwave. 
  • Pencil sales enhanced by 700%. On a world scale since Sudoku began to be popular.





  • There are regarding 1500 types of spiders, 4,000 types of ants and 350 types of termites in Australia.
  • Antarctica is roofed during a sheet of ice that's 7000 feet thick.
  •  A cluster of whales is termed a pod.
  •  Dogs and cats have a dominant paw.
  • Males are sometimes left-footed, and females are sometimes right.
  •  A flea will jump 350 times its linear unit. If somebody's may do this, he would jump across the association football field.
  •  A ruminant will clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue.
  •  Citizens of Switzerland eats the most chocolate equating up to 20 pounds, per person per year.
  • Reindeers like bananas.
  • There may be a vacation somewhere within the world, everyday.
  •  The UK folks eat additional canned beans than the remainder of the globe place along.
  •  Chewing gum is illegal in Singapore.
  •  About 700 grapes move into one bottle of wine.
  •  A cluster of geese is termed a gaggle.
  •  111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
  •  Hummingbirds are the sole bird that may fly backwards
  • The hash tag image is technically known as an octothorp.
  •  Human foot has twenty six bones in it
  •  An average person can pay twenty five years asleep
  •  “Q” is that the solely letter that doesn't seem in any U.S. state name.
  •  Shrimps are the foremost illustrious and widespread food. The guts of the shrimp are within her head.
  •  Lobsters blood is colorless however once exposed to element it turns blue
  •  8% of individuals have an additional rib
  •  The widespread validation Tic Tac’s candies own their name to the characteristic sound we have a tendency to hear once the candies “jump” within the package.
  • Adult cats solely meow at humans, ne'er at one another. Very little cats, on the opposite hand, meow to their feline mothers.
  •  Scorpions can glow below actinic ray
  •  The bear has 42 teeth





  •  The rarest sort of diamond is inexperienced
  •  A cluster of owls is termed a parliament
  •  Over two hundred languages are spoken in Europe.
  •  Hugging a tree, if strictly prohibited in China
  •  Pearls can soften in vinegar
  •  Human eyes don't amendment their size from birth.
  •  Cats will jump up to seven times their tail length
  •  We ne'er very saw our face. We have a tendency to solely saw its reflection, photo, or video.
  •  “Topolino” is that the name for Mickey Mouse Italy
  •  It is prohibited to possess only 1 guinea pig in European country.
  •  The cat has thirty two muscles in every ear
  •  The older we have a tendency to are, the fewer colors we have a tendency to like.
  •  The imaginary being is that the national animal of Scotland.
  •  There was a prehistoric devil's darning needle that’s wings spanned over 2 feet.
  •  Shakespeare fictitious over one, 700 words.
  •  Mosquitoes like kids to adults and blondes to brunettes
  •  An ostrich’s eye is greater than its brain
  •  Honey is that the solely natural food that ne'er spoils
  •  Turnips can flip inexperienced once unhealthy
  •  The solely continent with no active volcanoes is Australia
  •  M&M’s chocolate stands for the initials for its inventors Mars and Murrie
  •  All insects have half dozen legs
  •  Australia is home to twenty one of the twenty five most toxic snakes within the world.
  •  Hippos kill additional folks than lions, sharks and crocodiles combined.
  •  When water freezes it expands by 9%.
  •  Frogs cannot swallow with their eyes open.
  •  “Arachibutyrophobia” is that the worry of spread projecting to the roof of your mouth.
  •  Four times additional folks speak English as a second language than as a native one.
  •  There are over two hundred pyramids in Sudan, which may be a heap over in Egypt.
  •  You will hear a blue whale’s heartbeat from over two miles away.
  •  A sea boat drill was canceled the morning of the large sinking.
  •  All the blinking in someday equates to having your eyes closed for half-hour
  •  The a hundred folds chef’s hat represents a hundred ways in which to cook an egg.
  •  San poet is that the fifth smallest country within the world and therefore the third largest state when the Vatican Palace and principality.
  •  An octopus pupil is rectangular


  •  Lady Liberty would wear a size 879 shoe.
  •  Macadamia cookie are virulent to dogs
  •  A cluster of frogs is termed a military
  •  There are solely four words within the West Germanic that finish in “dous” (they are: unsafe, horrendous, stupendous, and tremendous)
  •  When lightning strikes it will reach up to fifty four,000 degrees Fahrenheit (30,000 degrees Celsius)
  •  Koalas bears sleep around eighteen hours every day
  •  A cluster of rhinos is termed a crash